Lav en flipbook fra dine videoer

Da jeg checkede ud om tjenesten,, i ægte let magasin for et par år siden, faldt jeg som med ideen. Under en lang lur, jeg havde til mig selv, hang jeg ud på computeren, der rodede med de videoklip, jeg har af Julian.

De lader dig indsende en video såvel som derefter tage nogle valg for at tilpasse din flipbook. Det koster $ 6 såvel som åbenlyst længden såvel som video -stil kan du håndtere dit digitale videokamera er tilstrækkeligt.

Jeg kan godt lide dette koncept som en metode til at fange fysiske milepæle som at sidde op (sørg for at afslutte med den faldende del), klappe eller trække så meget som et stand. De resulterende flipbøger, jeg fik, var lidt tilstrækkelige for bedstemødrene at bringe deres punge ind. Plus det gør det muligt for dem at ikke kun angive “Hvor sød er mit barnebarn?” Ligeledes “Hvor smart er mit skridtbarn [svigerforældre]?”

Nogle videoer, som jeg allerede havde, som var flipclips-værdige, var: at hoppe som en skør fyr i sin Jumparoo (måned 7), smilende, mens han svingede på legepladsen (måned 5), hvor han spillede peekaboo med Ryans boksershorts (måned 10).

Global handlingsdag for at skære tvist Palm Oil

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Når spørgsmål synes overvældende for vores børn, minder vi dem om at tage tingene “en dag på tiden.” Utroligt nok virker deres problemer ofte ikke så enorme eller så overvældende længere.

Den 20. maj 2014 kan du såvel som din husstand slutte sig til mig såvel som min husstand såvel som utallige andre mennesker over hele verden, mens vi tager en dag såvel som producerer tusinder såvel som utallige handlinger omkring en spørger: Pepsico magten At skære tvist Palm Oil er #inyourpalm.

For mange af os, at gøre en forskel såvel som at producere ændring omkring betydelige verdensomspændende spørgsmål som skaden på verdens regnskove såvel som klimamodifikation synes metode såvel som enorme såvel som såvel vanskelige at forestille sig at tage på. Som forældre, mellem arbejde såvel som uden for vores hjem, kommer du såvel som fra lacrosse -spil, musik såvel som danseklasser, sætter ernæringsmæssige måltider på bordet, opretter legedatoer for vores børn samt opdager tid til Den lejlighedsvise legedato for vores egen, vores liv er fulde, travlt såvel som regelmæssigt frenetiske såvel som hektiske.

Som forældre er vores opgave at producere en sikker, sikker såvel som en bæredygtig fremtid for vores børn, så håndtering af betydelige vanskeligheder som klimamodifikation er absolut i vores opgavebeskrivelse. Ved at “forbinde prikkerne” mellem palmeolieproduktion, klimaændringer, orangutanhabitater, snackfødevarer samt vores købsvaner, udfører vi vores opgave samt beskytter vores børn såvel som planeten.

Deltag i mig såvel som Rainforest Action Network (RAN) den 20. maj, for en verdensomspændende handlingsdag for at skære tvistpalmeolie. Sammen kræver vi, at PepsiCo holder op med at bruge tvistpalmeolie i sine snack madmærker samt begynde at hjælpe os med at tackle og producere muligheder, der vil bekæmpe betydelige problemer som klimamodifikation såvel som skovrydning. Deltag i os, når vi viser vores børn nøjagtigt, hvor magtfulde de kan være, såvel som nøjagtigt, hvordan muligheder for tilsyneladende overvældende verdensomspændende problemer kan være positive, sjove såvel som nogle gange, ærligt talt, ganske grundlæggende, når vi beskæftiger os med dem sammen.

Der er tre enkle trin. Først skal du inspicere vores dag med action -værktøjssæt og komme med en vision for din billedhandling. For det andet skal du tilføje detaljerne i din billedhandling til begivenhedsmap. Når du får dit image, skal du offentliggøre det til RANs SMUGMUG Gallery såvel som at offentliggøre det til Pepsis Facebook -væg med denne meddelelse: #PEPSICO, magten til at skære tvist palmeolie er #inyourpalm.

Grib de unge i dit liv såvel som nyd såvel som at lytte som Ashley Schaeffer Yildiz, en ny mor samt løb palmeolie -kampagne, viser os ”hvordan det gøres” ved at give os nogle fremragende koncepter, vi kan bruge til at overbevise nogle få Af den største forretning i verden, snack mad 20, til at slutte sig til os såvel som det ideelle. Ved at ændre, hvor de kilder deres palmeolie, kan denne verdensomspændende forretning stoppe produktionen af ​​tvistpalmeolie, som vil hjælpe med at redde afgørende regnskove, træg ned klimamodifikation samt ligeledes sikre husene i et par af verdens sidste opholdsorangututaner.

Ran videolink:

Disse forretninger forstår, at vi nyder meget omhyggeligt, hvad de gør. I sandhed er en række af de store snackfood 20 -virksomheder, herunder Mars, Kellogg, General Mills, Unilever såvel som Nestle, for nylig reageret på forbrugerforargelser ved at annoncere nye forpligtelser samt styrkelse af deres palmeolie -købspolitikker eller sourcing praksis. Pepsico forbliver imidlertid en afgørende laggard.

Ligesom Snack Food 20 har indkøbsmuligheder for deres produkter, har vi også muligheder. Vi kan vælge at støtte mærker samt få snackfødevarer, der ikke består af tvistpalmeolie. såvel som de gode nyheder … strømmen er #inyourpalm!

Ring til en husstand, der tilfredsstiller i dag, samt kom med din egen husholdningsplan for den verdensomspændende handlingsdag. Disse handlinger kan være enorme eller små, i parker, på universitetscampusser, derhjemme eller endda på Pepsi topkvalitetssteder rundt om i verden. Appellen til handlingsdagen er, at hver af vores handlinger vil være unikke, men de har to ting til fælles: De vil omfatte ordene #inyourpalm på en eller anden måde, form eller type såvel som vil knytte vores husholdninger til mennesker over hele kloden, der er forenet i OUr bestræbelser på at afslutte regnskovsskader udløst af produktionen af ​​tvistpalmeolie.

Uanset om du er 8 eller 80, The New York Times, Union of Concerned Scientists eller endda Ashleys nye spædbarnsdreng, kan vi sammen “ændre verden” ved at håndtere store problemer en dag ad gangen! Vær med og inviter til din familie, gode venner såvel som naboer til at deltage i den 20. maj, som handlingsdag for at skære tvist palmeolie, kraften er virkelig, #inyourpalm!

Harriet Shugarman, administrerende direktør, Climatemama

Klimalalitet, mentor & leder & mor

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#WordlessWednesday med #Linky på en tirsdag – læsning med bedstefar

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Om vores grundlægger

Cascia Talbert er en travl blogger, og mor til fem børn, der bor i Spokane, WA. Med en B.A. I historie og lov og en lidenskab for at skrive og forblive sund, startede hun det sunde Moms -magasin i 2007. Det sunde Moms -magasin er i øjeblikket rangeret som den øverste sundhedsblog for mødre. Fru Talbert mener, at hvis mødre er veluddannede til sundhedsspørgsmål og hvordan man forbliver sunde, kan de videregive disse oplysninger til deres børn og vende barndoms fedme statistikker i USA

Ms. Talbert driver det sunde mødre sociale netværk på Ning, er grundlæggeren af ​​Healthy Moms Media og blogger også på Du kan følge hende på og

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Link til dette indlæg: #wordlesswednesday med #linky på en Tirsdag – Læsning med bedstefar


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one of Heather’s creative “homemade” baby food cheats is to open a can of organic pumpkin and feed it to a baby.

Adding pumpkin to rice cereal or oatmeal makes a fancy fall breakfast, like something you could buy at Starbucks, but without whipped cream. explore cinnamon, nutmeg, and or ginger to help your baby embrace flavors.

A parent with mad kitchen skillz may be harvesting pumpkin meat out of actual pumpkins this season to make pies, breads, roasted pumpkin stews, and more. but I won’t.

I love that pumpkin comes pureed in a can. It’s a bright orange vegetable full of beta-carotenes and Vitamin C. and it’s so easy to use.

A cup of cooked, mashed pumpkin consists of a lot more than 200 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A, which aids vision, particularly in dim light, according to the national Institutes of Health.

Here are some healthy pumpkin combos used by packaged baby food companies that you can knock off at home.

Pumpkin + Banana – flavor concept by Plum Organics. good for 6-ish months and up. Fork mash banana and mix with pumpkin. add baby milk of your choice for new eaters to smooth it out. increasingly leave chunks for older babies to help them learn to accept wet and lumpy food.

Sweet Potato + Pumpkin + Bananas + Blueberry – flavor concept by Ella’s Kitchen. This superfoods bonanza sounds like too much work because there are so lots of ingredients, so I think it’s best as a non-pureed meal: a bowl of pumpkin, sweet potato chunks, and banana wheels with blueberries.

Pumpkin + sweet Potato + Pear – flavor concept by delighted baby (sold as an 8-pack of pouches on Here’s where I’d peel and dice the sweet potato and pear, boil or steam them, puree together and then when cooled, stir in pumpkin. For babies who have eaten each of these foods separately, this is a yummy treat. Make a big batch and freeze some.

Spinach + Pumpkin + Chickpeas – this flavor by Plum Organics sounds gross to me, so I would probably start by mixing canned pumpkin into hummus and see how that  goes.

Pumpkin + Apple – as sold by Earth’s Best. This puree blend is incredibly easy: Canned pumpkin mixed with apple sauce. add yogurt for protein and another variety.

And guys? Make sure to get canned pumpkin, not canned pumpkin pie mix.

Bonus Pumpkin fun: turn it into a smoothie.

For the smoothie I made this morning, I used

1 huge spoonful of canned pumpkin

1 frozen banana

1 cup of vanilla coconut milk from Trader Joes (you can use almond milk or regular milk — or add yogurt for extra creaminess)

1 shake cinnamon

1 shake nutmeg

1 shake cloves

Honestly, I don’t love this. but I don’t love pumpkin pie, either. (My kid would love it, however, and the idea was not a pumpkin smoothie that *I* would like.) I’ll give this to him after school, after keeping it cool in the fridge.

And as long as I’m being honest, I hate the paper straw you see in the picture. sure it looks cute in pictures, but paper straws suck. They get all mushy and bent in your mouth, especially if you’re a slobbery kid. but straws in general are so much fun for kids, and as my kid never took a bottle, I tried a straw with him when he was about a year old and he got the hang of it quickly.

Once I’ve opened a can of pumpkin, I want to use it up as swiftly as possible. Today after my smoothie session, I added a half-cup of the pumpkin mix to brownies. Så godt!

ps. This is the best time of year to go take a pumpkin picture!

Bog til at prøve: Jam det, pickle it, helbrede det

Jeg betragter mig selv som en kunstig dame. Jeg er ikke meget dygtig på denne arena, men jeg har givet min andel af håndlavede gaver. Min kammerat Karen er pludselig at udfordre min definition af “listig” ved at antyde, at jeg laver frugtlæder, brødrister -tærter og smør i hendes nye bog Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It: og andre madlavningsprojekter


Hvis kunstige i-Kitchen er din idé om en god tid, skal du trække et hoppesæde eller exersaucer derinde-og lad din babe se, du får travlt.

P.S. Ingen betaler mig for at tale om Karens bog, og hun bad mig ikke om at skrive om den, men hendes udgiver gav mig en helt gratis kopi af den. De elsker mig muligvis bare og vil udgive min næste bog?

How to stay healthy during cold and Flu season

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It’s upon us again. The weather is getting colder and germs are spreading around the office and your children’s’ schools. Yes, it is cold and flu season. here are some terrific ways you can protect yourself and your children to make cold and flu season more bearable.

Why are the cold and flu viruses more common during the cold winter months? The below video from CNN explains this mystery.

video from CNN Video

If your child comes home from school coughing, sneezing or with a runny nose. Don’t panic it could just be the common cold. here are some terrific ways you can help your child get through his cold faster and have an easier time with his symptoms. If you live in a climate that is dry during the colder months put a warm mist vaporizer in your child’s room. Breathing in the moist air will help break up your child’s cough and could shorten the amount of days he suffers with the cough.

Vitamin C and the common Cold

Make sure your child drinks plenty of vitamin C. research as shown that Vitamin C reduces the duration of the common cold. terrific sources of Vitamin C include, Papaya (60mg), strawberries (60mg), oranges (50mg), cauliflower (40mg), and spinach (30mg). According to The medical college of Wisconsin, the recommended intake of vitamin C for children are as follows:

1-3 years: 15 mg

4-8 years: 25 mg

9-13 years: 45 mg

14-18: 75 mg for boys and 65 mg for girls

Vitamin C can also help reduce the length of the cold in adults. here is the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) of vitamin C for adults:

Related  meal Prep with Your kids with limited Ingredients

For pregnant and lactating (breast feeding) women:

Pregnant: 80-85 mg

Lactating: 115-120 mg

Healthy Adults

75 mg per day for women;

90 mg for men.

Smokers should add an additional 35 mg per day because their metabolic turnover of vitamin C is more rapid, as is their rate of oxidative stress.

C-Complex 1000 Tablets

There are several ways that you can prevent the cold and flu from spreading around your family. Make sure your children wash their hands frequently during cold and flu season. use an antibiotic soap and keep objects around the house that are touched frequently sanitized. Spray the telephone, television remote control, computer keyboard, door knobs, toys and light switches with antibacterial spray. Antibacterial disinfecting wipes can also kill household germs that could spread the cold and flu viruses.

If you don’t want to suffer from the cold this season taking Echinacea has been proven to boost the immune system in adults thus reducing the duration of the cold. pregnant and lactating women should not take this herbal supplement.

Echinacea w/Goldenseal Root

How Do You tell the difference between the cold and Influenza?

According to, “In the U.S., an estimated 25–50 million cases of the flu are currently reported each year — leading to 150,000 hospitalizations and 30,000–40,000 deaths yearly. If these figures were to be estimated incorporating the rest of the world, there would be an average of approximately 1 billion cases of flu, around 3–5 million cases of severe illness, and 300,000–500,000 deaths annually.”

“The cold and flu are both respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different types of viruses. Flu symptoms usually come on quickly (within 3-6 hours) and consist of a fever, body aches, dry cough, and extreme tiredness. cold symptoms are less severe and people experience a stuffy nose, productive cough, slight tiredness, and limited body aches.”

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If you or your child suffers from a dry cough that is accompanied by a fever, body aches, and moderate to severe tiredness it most likely is the flu. Sneezing, a stuffy nose and sore throat are all common symptoms of the cold but are not present in the influenza virus. If you or your child is throwing up most likely it is food poisoning and not the flu. contact your doctor right away if any of the symptoms become severe.

The number one way you can prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine. There are two types of flu vaccines, a nasal spray (sometimes referred to as LAIV for “Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine”) — which is a spray taken in the nose, og influenza “skud”, der normalt indeholder en inaktiveret (eller dræbt) vaccine. Børn 2 og derover kan få næsespray.

Hvem er den mest udsatte?

Alle kan få influenza skudt, men det anbefales mest, at disse mennesker bliver vaccineret hvert år

Børn i alderen 6 måneder op til deres 19-års fødselsdagstidlige kvindelige mennesker 50 år og ældre mennesker i enhver alder med visse kroniske medicinske forhold, der bor i plejehjem og andre langvarige plejefaciliteter, der lever med eller plejer dem med høj risiko for komplikationer fra influenza , herunder: Kontakter med sundhedsvæsenets husholdningskontakter med høj risiko for komplikationer fra influenzahuskontakter og uden for hjemmeplejere for børn mindre end 6 måneders alder (disse børn er for unge til at blive vaccineret)

Relaterede 10 unikke gaver i sidste øjeblik til sunde mødre

Tag dine vitaminer, hold dit hjem rent, drik masser af appelsinsaft, og sørg mest af alt for, at alle i din familie får deres årlige influenza -skud. Disse tip hjælper dig og din familie med at forblive sund denne kolde og influenza.

Kold- og influenza -ressourcer til sygdomskontrol og forebyggelse af koldt og flufind en influenzaklinik – sponsoreret af American Lung Association

Link til dette indlæg: hvordan man forbliver sund under kulde og Influenza sæson


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Teaching kids Gratitude (Pedcast)

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I was driving with my 92 year old mom house the other night when an incredible statement came out of her mouth.  Out of the blue she made a extremely profound comment that truly struck me as important, perhaps even life altering for me. In one sentence, she summed up her view of her life as well as gave me a peek of exactly how she sees the world.  Suddenly I realized exactly how she has remained so durable with the ups as well as downs of her long life.   So, in this year’s holiday message, I believed I would share a bit bit of granny Betty Smolen’s wisdom with the hope that if you spend a long time instilling her mindset in your children, they will have lives that are happier as well as potentially make them more durable to the inevitable ups as well as downs they will experience in their lives.  I hope you will believe it is as important as I do.  With that said, let’s get into holiday message 2016.

Musical Introduction

A sense of Gratitude

What is it that granny Betty revealed, late at night driving home, that struck me as so profound?  We were speaking about household get togethers as well as an upcoming household holiday reunion when she came out with the this gem, “Paul, you understand there are not sufficient hours in the day for me to provide thanks for all the blessing I have!” Wow.  Think about what that statement involves. First, it is a extremely humble view of oneself recognizing that much of what we get in life has nothing to finish with us, however is just a product of great fortune. Secondly, it embodies a sense of gratitude for daily regular things since my mom has never been famous or well understood in any type of way. She has never won the lottery or accomplished extraordinary notoriety or wealth- no she has been a mom who had four children, all of who arrived at their feet as adults. as well as thirdly, she perceives these mundane daily great fortunes as so fantastic that she can’t be thankful enough; there are just not sufficient hours in the day to state thanks. She is overwhelmed with gratitude.  Grandma Betty seems to embody the true spirit of what it means to be humble as well as grateful.  What my mom doesn’t acknowledge is that her great fortunes are just a return of the kindness she showed others during her life.

Related  6 methods Gratitude modifications A Mom’s Life

The Ups as well as Downs of Life

Let me tell a bit about my mom to put all this in context. She was born in 1924, just after the tragedy of WWI as well as right before the fantastic depression. Her only sibling died suddenly of scarlet fever when my mom was three years old. Her parents never had a house or went to college. She married at nineteen as well as her new hubby instantly enlisted in the marines as well as went off to war to fight in WWII. Fortunate for me, he survived combat. After the war came her four children, a failed business, serious household health and wellness problems, as well as many years of economic insecurity. stability lastly came during middle age years up until her hubby died of cancer. She ended up being a widower at sixty. with it all, my mom remained optimistic as well as positive, constantly volunteering to assist others most of her adult life, discovering fulfillment while living a simple life. I’m persuaded that her optimistic mindset about the future as well as and her sense of gratitude for whatever good, sustained her happiness throughout her now 92 years. rather than dwelling on her many misfortunes, my mom feels that there aren’t sufficient hours in the day to reveal her gratitude for her blessings. Fantastiske.

Your youngsters requirement a sense of Gratitude

So, right here is my holiday desire for you as well as your children; this holiday season, take a few minutes to stop as well as motivate your kids to be grateful for family, great health, friendships, academic opportunities, the successes of those around them, as well as really, any type of great ton of money that they experience. I believe you will discover that by doing so throughout their childhood, it will point their life compasses in the right direction as well as make them much more durable when misfortune does come their way.

Related  Why Do parents fail to rememberDeres spædbørn i biler?


Tak, fordi du kom med mig til denne specielle udgave af Portable Practical Pediatrics. Jeg kan godt lide at lave en feriebesked. Jeg vil gerne høre dig chime ind med dine tanker såvel som anbefalinger om nøjagtigt, hvordan du forbedrer dine børns liv. Blogs handler om samtale såvel som at dele, så tag et øjeblik for at lade andre forstå, hvad du tænker. Du kan gøre dette på iTunes som en evaluering eller på min blog på Dette er Dr. Paul Smolen i håb om, at du kan lære din yngle, lidt om taknemmelighed. indtil næste gang.

Link til dette indlæg: Undervisning af børn taknemmelighed (pedcast)


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Create A individualized care bundle swiftly & quickly With the healthcare facility Box

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It can be hard for households when a liked one is ill as well as in the hospital. as well as that time can likewise be quite lonely for your liked one.  I keep in mind a few years back when I was hospitalized for a serious liver virus. I wished to see my youngsters as well as family, however they were not able to be with me the whole time. That was tough for all seven of us. I would have been delighted to get a individualized care bundle from my family.

Kari Catuogno, the designer of the healthcare facility Box, understands what it is like to have a liked one in the hospital.

“My mother-in-law was having knee surgical treatment as well as I was trying to find a special gift to make her healthcare facility stay a lot more pleasant.  Flowers, balloons, as well as baskets of sweets did not feel like sufficient to reveal exactly how much all of us like her.  I needed something that would touch her heart as well as influence her road to recovery.  When she saw the individualized gift box covered in motivating phrases as well as memories, tears pertained to her eyes (and mine)!  The unique care bundle made her feel a lot more comfortable as well as assisted her to a quick recovery!”

The healthcare facility Box individualized care Package

The healthcare facility Box includes the following:

3 Soft Cotton Bags

Feel much better Box

21 Decorative Stickers

All you requirement to do to customize your box is connect your pictures (you can utilize the decorative stickers), location a meaningful product in each “open when bag,” as well as fill up the box with comfort items.

I would have liked to get this special gift when I was in the hospital. I am sure your liked one will appreciate the gesture as well. To discover a lot more about the healthcare facility Box as well as to buy one on the internet see

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*Disclosure: I got a healthcare facility Box to produce a individualized care bundle in exchange for this review. Alle udtalelser er præcise såvel som 100% mine.

One lucky healthy mommies magazine visitor can win a healthcare facility Box to produce a individualized care bundle for their liked one.   All you requirement to do is like the healthcare facility Box on Facebook, comply with the healthcare facility Box on Twitter,  follow the healthcare facility Box on Instagram and  leave us a comment at the end of this post with your e-mail address.  This contest is available to us residents only 18+ as well as ends on November 16, 2016  at 9 pm CST.  No purchase necessary.  A champion will be selected from out of the number of comments got as well as will be notified by means of e-mail or social network immediate message at the end of the contest.

For additional entries: (please leave a separate comment for every extra entry)

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Related  A Spider Bite as well as Its Duration

Link to this post:Create A individualized care bundle swiftly & quickly With the healthcare facility Box


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Diabetes as well as Pregnancy: keeping You as well as Your infant healthy

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Diabetes is a condition where you have as well much sugar in your blood as well as your body can’t utilize it. This can
be difficult to handle by itself, however pregnancy can make it even harder. By working with your physician as well as taking care of yourself, you can make sure you are healthy for you as well as your infant during your pregnancy.
Before Pregnancy

Before getting pregnant, it is a great concept to make sure your blood sugar levels are already under control. Your blood sugar levels can modification exactly how your infant develops, particularly their heart, lungs, as well as kidneys during the very first 8 weeks of pregnancy. having diabetes while expecting can likewise put you at danger for health and wellness conditions, such as high blood pressure as well as a harder delivery. It can likewise cause nerve pain, however you can discover on this guide methods to simplicity the pain. You can keep your blood sugar under manage by taking medicine, utilizing insulin, losing weight, eating a
healthy diet, as well as exercising. many women can ended up being expecting before they understand it, so they don’t have time to prepare before getting pregnant. If this happens, satisfy with your physician right away to begin making a health and wellness plan for you as well as your baby.

During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, you will requirement a great deal of assist to make sure you as well as your infant are healthy. most people work
with a number of doctors, including:

Your routine doctor, or general

An obstetrician, who works with
pregnant women as well as establishing babies

A pediatrician, who is a doctor
for børn

A diabetes teacher to assist manage
your diabetes

A dietitian to produce a meal plan
that will keep you healthy as well as prevent high blood sugar

Working with these experts throughout your pregnancy will assist keep you as well as your infant healthy.
Visiting your physicians on a regular basis throughout your pregnancy can assist catch problems before they ended up being huge problems. many people likewise discover support from family, friends, as well as other groups.

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If possible, discover a physician who has completed training in the California Diabetes as well as pregnancy Program, likewise called “Sweet Success”. participants in this program go with specialized training to address problems of diabetes in pregnancy as well as are uniquely equipped to provide direct as well as comprehensive care to women with diabetes while they are pregnant.
If you have morning sickness, you requirement to watch your blood sugar because vomiting can keep your body from digesting food. think about having snacks on hand to keep your blood sugar from getting as well low. You will requirement to screen your blood sugar more often, since your blood sugar might vary more frequently. Your body can likewise have a harder time taking in insulin. This can be a huge concern later in the pregnancy.

During pregnancy, your body will requirement more insulin to manage blood sugar. If you are taking diabetes medicines, other than insulin, your physician may want to switch you to insulin since we don’t understand exactly how these medicines impact the establishing baby.


When you are providing your baby, you will have your blood sugar determined throughout the procedure to make sure your blood sugar isn’t as well high or as well low. women with diabetes sometimes have bigger babies. If you have a bigger baby, you may have more difficulty during labor. You can try breathing exercises to make labor easier. during the delivery, your physicians will keep track of exactly how you are doing.

Life After Delivery

After the infant comes, your body’s is healing after the delivery. Your blood sugar may modification quickly as
you heal. tracking your blood sugar is important. After you have your infant home, keep eating a healthy diet, exercising, as well as taking your medicine. You will have some sees with your physician as well as your child’s physician to see exactly how you are getting much better after the delivery.

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It is a great concept to work with your physicians throughout hvert trin i din graviditet. Lige her er en tjekliste, der kan være en god guide til din graviditet.

Af Carley Star for The Healthy Moms Magazine
Carley Star er en reklamekspert hos Northcounty Health and Wellness Services (NCHS) med over seks års erfaring med på internettet Annoncering, der udnytter kraften i blogs, på internetkvarterer samt sociale netværksplatforme for at øge brandforståelsen samt boost mærkeloyalitet. Bliv så meget som dato for hvad som helst fra sundt liv til vores kvarterbegivenheder ved at overholde mig på LinkedIn.

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How Your Meds Can affect Your Mouth

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Completely You: Oral Care

How Your Meds Can affect Your Mouth

By Stacey Colino for completely You

You’re probably well aware of side effects like stomach upset that lots of medicines can cause. but how your meds affect your mouth is also crucial — mouth health impacts overall body health.

Yet a lot of people don’t realize this, says Dr. Gigi Meinecke, a dentist in Potomac, Md., and a spokesperson for the Academy of general Dentistry. What’s more, “patients are very selective about what they tell dentists about the medications they’re taking because they consider it a private matter,” adds Dr. Meinecke. “But we can better care for you if we know what you’re taking.”

Below, we rounded up the five a lot of common oral side effects of medications, along with recommendations on what to do if you have them. speak to your dentist and remember to bring a complete list of all the prescription medications, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and supplements you’re taking to your next dental checkup.

Side Effect: dry mouth Yes, it’s uncomfortable, but having an excessively dry mouth can also make you a lot more prone to gum infection, cavities and tooth decay.

Possible culprits: hundreds of medications can cause dry mouth, including antacids, antihistamines, antidepressants, decongestants, painkillers, high blood pressure and cholesterol-lowering medications, and drugs for urinary incontinence.

What to do: Sip water or suck on ice chips frequently throughout the day, and sleep with a humidifier in your bedroom. avoid alcohol and toothpaste with sodium laurel sulfate, which can intensify dry mouth, advises Meinecke. Ask your doctor or dentist whether you’d benefit from using an over-the-counter moisturizing gel to stimulate saliva production.

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Side Effect: Tooth discolorationSometimes the discoloration is superficial; other times, it’s inside the tooth (if it occurred when you were very young, for example).

Possible culprits: Antibiotics like the tetracycline class, Cipro and penicillin.

What to do: If the discoloration is on the outside of the tooth, a dental hygienist may be able to remove it, says Meinecke. If the area along the gumline or between the teeth is stained, your dentist can probably remove the discoloration using a special polishing system called Prophy-Jet.

Side Effect: Gum overgrowthFortunately, this is a rare phenomenon, but gum overgrowth is not only unsightly, it can also cause lots of plaque buildup that can cause cavities and other problems. According to Meinecke, people with poor oral hygiene are a lot more likely to experience gum overgrowth in action to medications.

Possible culprits: Prolonged use of anticonvulsant drugs, calcium channel blockers or immunosuppressants.

What to do: Meticulous brushing and flossing is vital while taking these medications. If your teeth are building up plaque because of abnormal gum growth, you may need to see your dentist a lot more frequently than twice a year.

Side Effect: Tooth grinding or jaw clenching (aka bruxism)Tooth grinding or clenching can cause jaw pain and harm tooth enamel. “If people are just doing it at night, they may not be aware of it,” says Meinecke, but some are doing it during the day too.

Possible culprits: Some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants (SSRIs), including Prozac, Celexa, Paxil and Effexor.

What to do: speak to your dentist about having a model made of your teeth to see if their size and shape change over time due to the grinding, suggests Meinecke. If you’re grinding just at night, wearing a mouth-guard can help. If it’s a problem 24/7, speak to your doctor about whether switching antidepressants or taking another medication along with the antidepressant might help alleviate these effects.

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Side Effect: Abnormal bleedingCertain meds can minimize the blood’s ability to clot, which can cause bleeding problems during oral procedures or treatments.

Possible causes: Anticoagulant medications (like Coumadin) og ikke-steroide antiinflammatoriske lægemidler (inklusive aspirin).

Hvad man skal gøre: Øv dig om den omhyggelige mundhygiejne (med blid tandtråd og børstning), og sørg for at fortælle din tandlæge, at du tager disse medicin, så han eller hun kan tage skridt til at mindske blødningen. ”Det kan være nødvendigt, at du stopper medicinen, før du har udført en rengøring eller visse typer tandarbejde,” bemærker Meinecke.

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Link til dette indlæg: Hvordan dine medicin kan påvirke din mund


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