Forfatter Jacalyn Burke En samtale

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Jacalyn Burke immigrerede til NYC fra London, England for at følge en drøm, som de fleste amerikanske immigranter gør. Hendes drøm om at blive en offentliggjort forfatter blev så meget mere, da hun blev forelsket i børnepasning og lærte at kende børn og familier i New York City.

”Jeg faldt i børnepasning som en kald, som nogle mennesker forelsker sig på. Vi mødte (mig selv og familierne) gennem venner, vi følte begge en forbindelse, og inden jeg vidste det – arbejdede jeg som en barnepige i Manhattan. Jeg var faldet i børnepasning, og mens jeg kæmpede med den lave sociale agtelse (karakteristisk for ”service” -beskæftigelse), var lønningerne og timerne – jeg elskede muligheden for at pleje og være vidne til udfoldelsen af ​​nye mennesker. Mine børn var alle dyrebare for mig, og det var mine barnepige. Overtid voksede jeg venskaber med forældre. Og inden jeg vidste det, havde jeg tilbragt et årti af mit liv i en verden af ​​børnepasning, sagde Jacalyn.

Denne oplevelse ville påvirke hende dybt. Jacalyn lærte, at der i privat pleje er der problemer og forhold og adfærd, der påvirker vores børn på daglig basis. I 2007 dannede hun et firma kaldet Baby Does NYC med det formål at skabe en række spædbarnstøj. Virksomheden blev imidlertid omdannet til et informationsnav for nye forældre.

Mens Jacalyn byggede sin forretning, fortsatte hun med at arbejde som barnepige. Hun begyndte endda at blogge og skrev en bog.

”Min kærlighed til børn og for de hårdtarbejdende forældre og barnepiger overalt tvang mig til at tackle det, jeg og mange andre betegner som en” børnepasningskrise ”. Min drøm er blevet opfyldt, og jeg blev endda vist i The New York Times i år – noget ufatteligt for den unge pige fra London. Mit håb er, at vores prioriteringer som samfund vil skifte mod mere familievenlige politikker med en ny præsident. Under alle omstændigheder er det min mission at fortsætte med at støtte forældre og husarbejdere – og på en måde er det passende, at min første bog handler om dette emne, ”forklarede Jacalyn.

Relateret, hvordan du forbereder dit lille barn til deres første tandlægebesøg

Besøg for mere information om Jacalyn. Du kan også finde hende på Facebook, Twitter og Instagram.

Hendes bog, Nanny Time Bomb: Navigering af krisen i børnepasning kan købes på

Har du en historie at fortælle? Vi vil have dig! Tjek, at du er vist for mere information.

Link til dette indlæg: Forfatter Jacalyn Burke Et interview


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Experiencing God . . . once again

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Just when I believe I understand much of what I requirement to know, I discover out I still have more to discover . . . or re-learn.

Some women as well as I are satisfying every two weeks to research study a book called Experiencing God.

Most of us have already checked out the workbook as well as filled in the blanks.  So, I didn’t truly believe that only on Day 5 I would have already had some profound moments.  however I understand that even when I checked out the Holy bible once, I can checked out it once again as well as discover something new.

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will achieve what I desire
and accomplish the function for which I sent it.

(Isaiah 55:11)

Sometimes I believe that I am just a mom. I discover I somewhat define myself by my blogging. In the summer, I am a gardener. as well as if I truly want to thrill someone, I ended up being a seamstress. (Basically, I understand exactly how to sew a directly stitch to make a infant sling.)  So exactly how might a mom of three children, with one on the way, a homeowner, as well as the teacher of my kids ever do much of hvad som helst? (Besides laundry, dishes, as well as catching up on sleep?)

Where is the time? I feel like one of many ants in a colony . . . working together with a lot of other ants doing the exact same thing.

I’m not like my buddy who just got back from doing physical therapy work in Haiti for the injured as well as needy.  Though, I did put a Band-Aid on somebody last week.  I don’t have a voice like Bono to get up the world to the issues dealing with the human race.  I do compose letters to our empathy kids on occassion.

Related  7 tips for moms to reduce stress during the holiday Season

Consider this quote, as I myself did this morning,

When you believe nothing considerable can occur with you, you have stated more about your belief in God than you have declared about yourself.  You have stated that God is incapable of doing anything considerable with you.  The reality is, He is able to do anything He pleases with one regular person who is completely consecrated* to Him.

*to be dedicated particularly to a purpose

Det er mig! I am one regular person. however I can do something. as well as in reality, I understand that I am doing something. I am increasing three extremely special young men. sometimes it can be simple to lose sight of exactly how valuable a task this is. Additionally, I am providing support to my hubby to enable him to achieve the function that God has him in right now.

The only method to keep this in point of view is to spend that time everyday with God.

And I may find that I, too, can be extra-ordinary.

The people you generally see in the Scriptures were ordinary.  Their connections with God as well as the activity of God made them extraordinary.

So if it seems like not much is happening around you. Or it seems like God is silent. Or you feel like the walls are caving in . . . understand that God is always at work around you. You may not sense it, however He is pursing a connection with you that is genuine as well as personal. He will speak to you with the Bible, prayers, circumstances, as well as church. såvel som . . . godt . . . I’ll be honest, speaking with Him as well as being included in a connection with Him . . . can need a few adjustments. however the more you come to understand God by experience, as well as obey Him (which really is thrilling), you will discover Him doing fantastic things with as well as with you!

Related  6 methods Gratitude modifications A Mom’s Life

Stop by as well as go to me sometime over at Granola mom 4 God!

Technorati Tags: Experiencing God,Christianity,God,religion

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Kan aromatiseret is virkelig være en sund efter institutionens snack, som unge vil elske?

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Del Jeg hørte om Lifeice en ny bid-størrelse helt naturlig frosset godbit Jeg troede, at det kan være noget, mine unge ville nyde til en efter-skolesnack. Da bundtet dukkede op, var jeg lidt skuffet.

Lifeice fås i fire varianter, citrus chomp, bærbid, miljøvenlig slibning såvel som chokolade sprød. Jeg havde chancen for at prøve deres citrus chomp -smag. Efter at have fryset det natten over var bundtet ekstremt vanskeligt at åbne. Det tog min hendes husbond næsten fem minutter bare for at få det åbent såvel som at fjerne en lille bidestørrelse terning ud. De smagte som en billig popsicle såvel som efter at have læst ingredienserne, “filtreret vand, agavesirup, kokosnødevandskoncentrat, appelsinsaftkoncentrat, æblejuice -koncentrat, mangostenpuré,” (og et par mere naturlige ingredienser) Jeg kom til finalen Tænkte, at jeg kunne lave noget ekstremt ens, for mindre penge såvel som måske endda sundere med min ninja -blender såvel som en isterningbakke. Jeg planlægger at prøve min egen opskrift i weekenden så godt som jeg viser dig nøjagtigt, hvordan det viser sig i næste uge. En halv karton (24 terninger) tænkes på en serveringsstørrelse, for seks dollars et stykke, du får to tre dollar -popsicles. Jeg har fem unge til at sikre, at det ville udgifts mig omkring $ 20 for dem alle at få en portion. Disse er dyre popsicles! Når mine unge kommer hus fra institutionen, er de berømte såvel som har brug for en nærende snack, der er mere tilfredsstillende end en isterning. Jeg serverer dem normalt frisk frugt, grøntsager såvel som dyppe, kiks samt ost eller hus lavet granola. Skaberen af ​​Lifeice, Paulette Fox havde et vidunderligt koncept såvel som idé bag dette produkt. Jeg tror bare ikke, at det er en fantastisk snack for børn. Lifeice er fedtfri, lav i kalorier såvel som sukker, glutenfri, kosher-certificeret, GMO-fri såvel som uden konserveringsmidler. Hun producerede oprindeligt produktet for at hjælpe fugtigheden såvel som at trøste sin mor, der kæmpede for kræft i æggestokkene. Lifeice understøtter forståelse af kræft i æggestokkene såvel som har samarbejdet med æggestokkræftforskningsundersøgelsesfonden. Efter min mening ville Lifeice være perfekt til hospitaler såvel som graviditetsafdelinger, men jeg vil ikke foreslå det til en efterinstitutionssnack til dine børn. For mere info om Lifeice, gå til

*Videregivelse: Jeg fik et bundt af lifeice i bytte for denne gennemgang. Alle udtalelser er præcise såvel som 100% mine.

Cascia Talbert er en hektisk blogger, udgiver, freelance -forfatter, på internetleverandøren såvel som mor til fem børn, der bor i Pacific Northwest. Med en B.A. I historie såvel som lovgivning såvel som en entusiasme for at komponere såvel som at forblive sund, startede hun det sunde mødre magasin i 2007. Det sunde Moms -magasin er i øjeblikket placeret Top Health and Wellness Blog for Moms samt har et antal Sundheds- og wellness -professionelle forfattere såvel som morbloggere. Fru Talbert mener, at hvis mødre er godt informeret om sundheds- og wellness -problemer såvel som nøjagtigt hvordan man forbliver sunde, kan de videregive denne info til deres børn samt vende de ungdoms fedme statistikker i U.S.

Relaterede enkle metoder til at integrere protein i hvert måltid

Ms. Talbert er en fremhævet sundheds- og wellness -blogforfatter på, og hendes artikler kan ligeledes opdages på Hun driver ligeledes det sunde mødre sociale netværk på Ning, er den vigtigste reklamepolitimand for Talbert Nutrition LLC såvel som er i det sociale netværksrådgivende bestyrelse for America’s Wellness Challenge. Overhold hende på Google+.

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Link til dette indlæg: Kan aromatiseret is virkelig være en sund efter institutionens snack, som unge vil elske?


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Create fantastic Lightshows with DOTTI

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My kids can’t sleep if it is completely dark in their bedrooms. We’ve tried using night lights, but the light bulbs burn out too rapidly and my young boys tend to rip them out of the wall. recently I had the opportunity to try out DOTTI a new and distinct tiny little electronic device that produces a amazing light show. It is roughly 2 square inches which is similar to the size of many night lights. You can connect your DOTTI device to your smart phone with the totally free app.

After charging it and installing the app I wasn’t successful at getting it to work right.  According to the Witti design website, you can design your favorite icon and animation for your DOTTI to use for app notifications, they claim that the set up is easy using bluetooth technology (although, I wasn’t able to get mine set up correctly), and you can download icons from their icon library. then it will display a light show on its tiny little screen.  You can also connect much more than one DOTTI together to create a larger much more animated light show.  My kids would probably get a kick out of that, but at $70 a piece, they might have to wait until Christmas to get a DOTTI of their own.

How To use DOTTI

I couldn’t get my DOTTI to work, but I am hoping that my tech savvy spouse can take a look at it and we will be able to use it as a night-light for our boys. For much more information about DOTTI and Witti design check out

Related  weekend reflection #35- Blogging

One lucky healthy mothers magazine reader can win a DOTTI.  All you need to do is like Witti design on Facebook, follow Witti design on Instagram, follow Witti design on Pinterest and leave us a comment at the end of this short article with your e-mail address.  This contest is open to us residents only 18+ and ends on may 11, 2016 at 10 am CST.  No purchase necessary.  A winner will be chosen from out of the number of comments received and will be notified through e-mail or social media instant message at the end of the contest.

For extra entries: (please leave a separate comment for each additional entry)

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*Disclosure: I received a DOTTI from Witti Designs in exchange for this review. All opinions are accurate and 100% mine.  

Link to this post:Create fantastic Lightshows with DOTTI
Related  shop for better Sleep: 5 qualities to look for in Mattress Toppers


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Tips to find more Me Time for a busy mom

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The life of a mom can be exhausting. With so many responsibilities, it
seems that there can never be enough caffeine. but just because you’re
so busy as a mom doesn’t mean that you should never have free time. I
fact, it’s important that you have “me time” constantly in order to
relieve the stress of modern day motherhood. finding me time can be
tough for moms with so much to do, but it’s not impossible and it’s
absolutely necessary. If you’ve had trouble with finding some time for
yourself with all the duties of motherhood, check out these tips to help
you find some free time so you can sit down and relax. even consider
checking out the baby on board contest during your downtime, and you may win a $10,000 makeover for your child’s room!

Sitter Swap

If you’re feeling tired and in need of some me time, chances are there
are other moms in your circle of pals that are too. try and work out a
weekly “sitter swap” in order to get each of you some much needed
R&R. Basically, you’ll take her kids for a few hours for one day a
week, and she’ll do the same on another day. This leads to you getting
some no stress time weekly that you can look forward to. selv når
you’re the host you can look forward to some relaxation, since the kids
will probably be entertaining each other. If you don’t feel like making a
set schedule, ask your pals if they’re open to the idea of doing
this kind of swap whenever needed. It will benefit everyone, and you’ll
feel much more relaxed with your new free time.

Related  6 reasons You need to Vacuum Regularly

Use Naptime

Depending on how old your kids are, naptime might
be the part of the day that you look forward to the most! usually moms
tend to be running around the house doing things during naptime, but
instead you should try and use that hour or two you get each day to sit
down and relax. Spit it up a little bit; do laundry for little bit, and
then sit down and get into that new book. You’ll find yourself much more
relaxed if you can get an hour of stress free time each day, and using
naptime to your advantage can give you that time.

Plan in Advance

In order to get some more time to relax each day, try and plan your days
in advance so you can look forward to the time you can relax. Hvis det
means planning a night out with your girls for next month, do it! Også selvom
if it’s on a date that seems far away, it’s on the calendar and cannot
forsvinde. keep that schedule set in stone, and you’ll always have
something good to look forward to.

Find a reputable Babysitter

Having a babysitter you trust and can rely on makes the biggest
difference when it comes to finding some relaxation time. If you don’t
know the babysitter well enough, you may find yourself worrying during
me time. ask for recommendations from pals or family to find a
babysitter that you can trust, and you’ll see that your nights out are
more enjoyable. If you are still looking for a babysitter you can find a babysitter search online.

Related  weekend Reflection

*This article first appeared on The healthy moms magazine on January 23, 2013
*Image credit:

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