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Lækker er ekstremt personlig. Det, der er velsmagende for dig, behøver ikke virkelig være for mig. Imidlertid vil vores børns smag generelt etablere sig med det, de spiser såvel som smag derhjemme. Hvis du tilbyder dem, hvad du spiser, så godt som du opdager det lækkert, sandsynligvis (og generelt), vil de også opdage det velsmagende. Jeg har sammensat nogle tip til forældre til at lave sunde snacks til børn.

Så nøglen lige her er at gøre deres betydning af velsmagende (din lækre) til en sund!

Så hvad gør en snack sund?

Desværre, medmindre du virkelig underviser såvel som at arbejde “med” dine unge “sammen” mod sund snackspisning, vil det være vanskeligt at vinde “sunde snacks” -kampen.

Markedet for fødevareproducerende er langt foran. De har studeret, hvad der gør mad “lækker” ved at opdage den rigtige kombination af fedt, salt … såvel som sukker! Mange, mange, mange forarbejdede fødevarer, især snacks, er blevet undersøgt for at gøre dem attraktive, vanedannende såvel som velsmagende i en metode, der ikke er sund. Normalt indeholder disse slags snacks også meget meget sukker!

Hvad ellers gør en snack sund?

Før vi starter, er den allerførste “sunde” regel, at unge skal hvile mindst 3 timer mellem måltider eller endda snacks, så stofskiftet fungerer ikke altid med faren for at blive udbrændt. såvel som hvis du erstatter et formelt måltid med en “snack”, skal du tælle!

Regler for en sund snack:

1. Det er langt væk som muligt fra ekstremt produceret mad.

2. Det er fyldt med næringsstoffer, vitaminer, mineraler såvel som protein. Grundlæggende har de fleste “rigtige” fødevarer (dem, du tilbereder fra bunden og ikke kommer fra pakker) en slags næringsstof. Kunsten er nøjagtigt, hvordan man balanserer dem … fedt, kulhydrater såvel som protein skal være til stede i hver sund snack.

3. det er lavt i sukker. Det begynder at være en vanskelighed i dag, da mange fødevarer nu har unødvendigt sukker tilføjet bare for at gøre dem mere velsmagende, ønskelige eller bare “lækre”. Hvis du ikke begrænser mængden af ​​unødvendigt sukker, vil det fortsætte med at tilføje, indtil det er så godt for dine børns helbred.

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Føler du allerede overvældet at prøve at opdage de rigtige snacks? Er du bange for, at din unge vil afvise de “sunde” ting til fordel for de sukkerholdige godbidder? Spekulerer du på nøjagtigt, hvordan vil du medbringe den rigtige balance?

Lad os opdage metoden ved at forberede en plan såvel som at bo hos den med dit barn.

Men inden vi fortsætter, lad os analysere, hvad der sker med de sukkerholdige godbidder …

Why is it difficult to handle the amount of sugary treats? Ud over hvorfor skulle du pleje?

Håndtering af daglige forpligtelser er vanskelige nok, såvel som når du tilføjer dine unge, der kræver godbidder, bliver det meget at håndtere.

You understand it is natural that they like treats. They taste good, almost all the other youngsters have them, as well as let’s deal with it, at some point the rewarding feeling as well as even emotional calm impact can make your day brighter. It can even get to the point that they are consumed with them.

You understand exactly how poor sugar can be, however do you understand that many produced foods contain high amounts of sugar? Do you understand exactly how much is as well much? You can discover a bit more in this article about exactly how much sugar kids should have where you can even take a fun quiz about sugar.

The truth is that it is widely known that sugar can impact your child’s habits as well as health.

Although there are not many scientific results on studies on exactly how sugar impacts behavior, many parents understand it does, as well as some parents have even tested themselves.

What has been examined with more scientific rigor are the health and wellness benefits of cutting sugar.

Now that you understand that it’s extremely simple to have as well much sugar as well as exactly how it can impact negatively to your kid, let’s see what you might do to try to prevent it.

What can you do to handle the amount of sugary treats your youngster is having?

Implement a plan, with your youngster if possible so you have more possibilities to succeed.

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Make them comprehend what makes a snack healthy as well as what should be thought about a treat for the amount of sugar it contains or other food additives.

They’ll ideally comprehend as well as discover as well as most likely be willing to work with you to balance healthy snacks as well as not so healthy treats however always try to make the very best possible choice.

And it is okay to have from time to time not the very best option, like a cake, ice cream, candy or a soda. The exception makes the rule as well as by enabling them to have that food from time to time instead of always try to prevent it, they’ll grow up into teens, young adults as well as adults with a much much better connection with food than if you always limit, prohibit or make them feel guilty about what they eat.

You understand it. The more you try to restrict something, the more you wish it. as well as the more something is your free choice, the much better you feel about it as well as the easier to implement it.

How to implement the plan in the practice?

In order to have your youngsters be part of the plan, not only do you requirement to talk as well as teach them, you requirement to implement a plan based on healthy snacks. as well as for that you requirement many choices that may work for them as well as that they can select from everyday without getting bored.

As for “treats”, like as well sugary or as well artificial, I believe that as a parent, the rule of one per week is a great compromise, enabling for an additional one for special occasions.

A little everyday treat can always work wonders while negotiating the rest of the options.

Knowing that they can always count on a little piece of chocolate, cookie or a candy to select from as well as to choose when is priceless.

22 tasty healthy snacks for Children

6 simple healthy snacks for kids

Whole wheat Quesadillas
Dumplings (pork or shrimp)
Tomato, mozzarella as well as olive salad
Wrapped Mexican tortilla with ham
Whole grain bread with any type of source of protein
Homemade fruit & yogurt or milk smoothie

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4 healthy quick snacks for kids

Hummus with vegetables
Guacamole with vegetables
Any Fruit & nuts, cheese or other protein
Yogurt & whole grain low sugar cereals

6 healthy snacks for youngsters at institution (healthy on the go snacks)

Baby Bell cheese with whole grain crackers, fruits or vegetables
Laughing cow cheese individuals with whole grain crackers fruits or vegetables
Squeezable fruit (apple, pear…) with individually wrapped mozzarella cheese.
Individual milk serving/carton
One serving of nuts
High protein however low sugar bars (King bar)

3 healthy treats for kids

Homemade cookies, brownies or muffins that are made of scratch (or organic ones that are prepared to cook), likewise offers healthy as well as tasty vegan macarons.
Dark chocolate covered or with nuts (almonds, pistachios, etc.) or edamame.
Ice cream (check from a brand low in sugar without any vegetable fats or oils other than the milk fat)

3 more protein snacks for kids

It is important that all meals, including snacks, are balanced with carbs, fats as well as protein.

Many “traditional” snacks don’t have the necessary protein. most foods that are a great source of protein likewise have some fat (also important to assist you feel satiated), so always believe about adding some protein to the snack.

Here you have 3 additional protein ideas you can add to a snack:

Tørret kød
Organic hot-dogs (no nitrites or nitrates)

On top of the choices already mentioned before:

Ham, pepperoni or salami (no nitrates or nitrites)
Pork or shrimp dumplings

What are  your kid’s preferred tasty healthy snacks?

Om forfatteren

Arantxa Mateo

 Arantxa is a trained biologist, nutrition expert as well as weight administration coach. born in Spain, she spent 5 years in Australia before moving to the US. Her slogan is “Food is a pleasure. nobody deserves to be on a diet.”

Find out more about Arantxa as well as 32 Mondays.

You can likewise comply with her on social media.
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