Børns bog lærer unge at bruge humor til at erobre mobning

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https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.jsthere er en række organisationer, bøger såvel som materialer, der instruerer børn, undervisere såvel som forældre om forebyggelse af mobning. Selv med alle disse ressourcer forekommer mobning stadig hver eneste dag i vores skoler. Børns bogforfatter, Mary Lee viser unge nøjagtigt, hvordan man bruger humor, når de håndterer mobbere i hendes bog, “Når bedstemor falske tænder flyver.”

Seks år gamle Katie har en fliset spædbarnstand fra da hun løb ind i sofabordet som et lille barn. Når Katie bliver drillet på institutionen, fortæller hun hende bedstemor om det. Katies bedstemor fortæller hende en sjov historie såvel som opfordrer hende til at bruge humor i stedet for at blive forstyrret for at løse hendes problemer.

Denne dejlige historie giver en anden service til mobning for børn. Mine børn glædede sig over historien såvel som også opdagede en vigtig lektion. For meget mere info om, når bedstemors falske tænder flyver gå til tatePublishing.com.

Om forfatteren, Mary Lee: Når bedstemors falske tænder flyver er Mary Lees anden bog. Hendes allerførste bog, My Air Force Mother, var en mester i børnenes fiktionsklassificering af den 73. årlige Writer’s Digest -komponeringskonkurrence. Mary Lee er en pensioneret luftvåbens mester Sergeant samt en licenseret mester -socialarbejder. Mary såvel som hendes husbond Chuck er bosiddende i Columbia, South Carolina.

Cascia Talbert er en hektisk blogger, udgiver, freelance -forfatter, på internetleverandøren såvel som mor til fem børn, der bor i Pacific Northwest. Med en B.A. I historie såvel som lovgivning såvel som en entusiasme for at komponere såvel som at være sund, startede hun det sunde mødre -magasin i 2007. Det sunde mødre -magasin er i øjeblikket placeret den øverste sundheds- og wellness -blog for mødre såvel som et antal Sundheds- og wellness -professionelle forfattere såvel som moderbloggere. Fru Talbert mener, at hvis mødre er godt informeret om sundheds- og wellness -problemer såvel som nøjagtigt hvordan man forbliver sunde, kan de videregive denne info til deres børn samt vende de ungdoms fedme statistikker i U.S.

Relateret kom tilbage til institutionens stress? Prøv denne mirakel-minded praksis

Ms. Talbert er en fremhævet sundheds- og wellness -blogforfatter på WellSphere.com såvel som hendes artikler kan ligeledes opdages på EzineArticles.com. Hun driver ligeledes det sunde mødres sociale medienetværk på Ning, er den vigtigste reklamepolitimand for Talbert Nutrition LLC såvel som er i det sociale netværksrådgivende bestyrelse for America’s Wellness Challenge. Overhold hende på Google+.

Opdagede du denne info nyttig? Klik lige her for at vise din støtte til det sunde Mothers -magasin.

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5 Nutritional tips Every parent should know

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March is national Nutrition Month and a great time for parents around the country to take stock of what they are doing with their children nutritionally. For parents that have low income can apply for wic florida, to get help buying food. most of us have some room for improvement, even if we do live in busy times that sometimes call for desperate fast food measures. The good news is that there are some simple things parents can do to help boost their children’s nutritional intake, the better to help keep them healthy, as well as lay the foundation for a healthy nutrition future.

“Parents have many food choices today when it comes to feeding their children,” explains Jolly Backer, the chief executive officer of Fresh healthy Vending (www.freshvending.com). “Walk through the store or drive down the road, and the options are there in abundance. but many parents are beginning to seek out the healthy option today, which is wonderful.”

Here are 5 nutritional tips every parent should consider:

Limit the snacks. children who fill up on a lot of calories from snacks eat less at meal times, and usually the snacks are not all that nutritious. limit the calories that come from snacking, and offer snacks that are healthy, such as a sliced apple with peanut butter, or vegetables they can dip into hummus.

Eat more fruits and veggies. Fruits and vegetables offer a lot of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. In addition to including some in snacking, aim to make fruits and vegetables half of their plate at mealtime.

Related  how to tell a Baby’s gender on an Ultrasound

Watch the sugar. added sugars fill kids up with empty calories or those that don’t offer any nutritive value. Pay attention to the amount of sugar that is in food and how much they are consuming. Ideally, children should not have more than 12 grams (3 teaspoons) of added sugar daily (added sugar being that which is not there naturally in such foods as fresh fruit). This goes for both food and beverages.

Avoid the clean plate club. many parents try to get their children to clean their plate by eating all the food on it. problem is, children are in tune with their body cues and tend to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. When parents make them eat everything on their plate, they teach them to ignore their hunger cues, which can potentially lead to obesity problems later on. Ideally, parents should start with small amounts of food on the plate, so it’s not so overwhelming.

Model healthy eating. one of the most important tools in getting kids to eat healthily is to model that behavior. children who have parents who eat healthily tend to grow up eating in a more healthy way themselves.

“At first, it may be a challenge to get kids on board with healthy eating,” adds Backer. “However, once you have been doing it a while, they will grow accustomed to it and it will become second nature. Whether at home, school, or on the go, people no longer have to compromise when it comes to making healthy food choices.”

Relateret weekendreflektion

Fresh healthy Vending has created a healthy vending machine revolution. Their machines are all stocked with healthy foods, including drinks, fresh fruits and vegetables, protein and granola bars, yogurt, and baked chips and crackers. Their machines are located in over 600 locations throughout the U.S. and Canada, including hospitals, office buildings, military bases, and workout facilities. Each dual-climate-controlled machine offers only healthy food and beverage options. To learn more Fresh healthy Vending machines, visit their site at: www.freshhealthyvending.com.

About Fresh healthy Vending
Based in San Diego, Fresh healthy Vending is a company that started in 2010 and is revolutionizing vending machines by filling them with healthy, natural food options. Dubbed the “future of vending,” they are leading the way in healthy food vending. Their machines offer 100-percent juices, fresh vegetables, fruits, smoothies, and yogurts. The Fresh healthy Vending machines are franchised and are being placed in schools, offices and other locations throughout the country. To learn more about Fresh healthy Vending, visit the website at www.freshvending.com.

*This article first appeared on The healthy moms magazine on March 5, 2012

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7 Sunde hjemmelavede spædbarns madgenveje

Jeg er stolt over at gøre mit spædbarn frisk pureret hjemmelavet mad fra bunden af ​​bunden, der er hentet lokalt fra landmændsmarkedet. Virkelig. Jeg har dog 3 unge såvel som en opgave, der betyder nogle dage, vi improviserer. Med prøve såvel som fejl, rookie far Alec (ikke afbildet) såvel som jeg fandt disse hjemmelavede spædbørnsfødevarer “snyder”, der er de enkleste spædbarns mad, mens de stadig er organiske såvel som sunde.

Snyder “hjemmelavet” spædbørn mad

Så længe vi har disse i huset, har Sawyer økologisk spædbarn mad til øre.

Disse genveje eller snyder kommer direkte ud af bundtet som organisk sund svamp. Jeg kræver ikke at købe private krukker eller pakker, der er identificeret til babyer, jeg tjekkede etiketterne såvel som at se efter gode ingredienser. Let.

Applesaus såvel som fuld fedtmælk yoghurt er mine to helte. Jeg serverer dem direkte op eller blandes med mine hjemmelavede pureer (eller de andre snyder). Den sværeste del er wrestling Sawyer til skeen.

Disse andre organiske emballerede produkter er fineste understøttende fødevarer: græskar, sorte bønner, refried bønner (jep, selv med den moderate chilis).

Her er et par vindende kombinationer fra mine hjemmelavede spædbørnsgenveje ingredienser:

Applesauce + græskar = spædbarnspai

Applesauce + veggie pures = noget sødere (prøv broccoli)

Yoghurt + græskar = vaniljesaus

Yoghurt + frugtagtig pures = frugt på den nederste yoghurt

Oprydede bønner + yoghurt = mexicansk fest

Sorte bønner solo = sjove finger mad

Strimlet ost i en smule stak på hans bakke = enormt rod (se billedet øverst til venstre)

Har du nogen form for supertrick spædbarns madveje eller snyder, du kan dele?


Dette udgav om hjemmelavede genveje til spædbørnsfødevarer blev oprindeligt sponsoreret af Babybjã – RN. De påvirkede ikke indholdet.

{Fotos af: Heather}

The benefits of Alpha Hydroxy Acids for the Skin

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By Lee Ann Buttery

When it concerns caring about your health, skin care ought to be no exception. One type of skin care ingredient—Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)—are originated from natural sources to offer diverse levels of exfoliation. They can assist address hyperpigmentation as well as other indications of aging in addition to acne.

There are different kinds of AHAs, including Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Malic Acid as well as Tartaric Acid. aside from their exfoliating abilities, they each play a distinct function in assisting to enhance the skin. Alpha Hydroxy Acids are utilized in all kinds of skin care products, from cleansers to toners as well as moisturizers.

It’s essential to note that it’s even much more essential to utilize a moisturizer with sun security when you’re utilizing any type of type of AHA. If your skin is oily, choose an oil totally free moisturizer with SPF.

Glycolic Acid

Glycolic Acid is originated from sugar cane as well as is one of the most prominent kinds of AHA. It assists to retexturize the skin when utilized consistently as well as is available in a broad range of concentrations (from as bit as two percent as much as 70%). Furthermore, it is utilized in all kind of skin care products such cleanser serums, as well as glycolic gel.

Some people make the error of going glycolic crazy; it is essential to note that utilizing a higher concentration of Glycolic Acid as well commonly (20% or higher) can damage the skin’s protective lipid barrier. For example, a chemical peel with a stamina of 30% Glycolic Acid ought to only be done sporadically. It is typically risk-free to utilize a skin care product with a low concentration of Glycolic Acid (two to ten percent) a number of times a week.


Lactic Acid is originated from sour milk as well as is likewise thought about one of the most prominent develops of alpha hydroxy acids. It is gentler than Glycolic Acid as well as is distinct for its hydrating as well as calming properties, thereby making it suitable for sensitive skin types.

Malic Acid

Derived from apples, Malic Acid is similar to Glycolic Acid; it assists to enhance the skin’s texture, promotes a much more even skin tone, assists tighten pores, as well as assists address hyperpigmentation as well as congestion.


As you may guess, Citric Acid stems from citrus fruits. It has natural brightening properties to assist enhance skin tone as well as hyperpigmentation. Moreover, Citric Acid assists to boost the production of collagen.

Tartaric Acid

Derived from grapes, Tartaric Acid assists to enhance the general structure as well as tone of the skin.

Whichever AHA you choose, keep in mind not to overdo it if you are utilizing a higher concentration! When utilized correctly, AHAs can have a seriously positive impact on your skin!

Lee Ann Buttery is a Licensed Esthetician as well as expert makeup artist that works for Mario Badescu Skin Care. She is passionate about all things beauty-related as well as has a specific obsession with anti-aging.

Opdagede du denne info nyttig? Klik lige her for at vise din støtte til det sunde Mothers -magasin.

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Related  Colloidal Silver for Skin Care


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Choose the ideal Swaddle For Your baby

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Not every swaddle is made equal!

Plenty of evidence shows that swaddling, when used correctly, can be a incredible way to promote safe sleeping. The safe sleep guidelines from the American association of Pediatrics are clear: swaddling helps to keep babies on their backs, which is the optimal sleep position to assist in stopping SIDS (Sudden infant death Syndrome). considering that the guidelines also recommend that there be no blankets, pillows or bumper pads in the crib, it is of utmost value that your baby be swaddled in a right and optimal fashion. appropriately done, the swaddle will firmly stay in place, keeping baby safe and comfortable.

Some of the benefits of swaddling?

Improved sleep for baby and parents

Decreased Moro startle reflex and improved REM sleep, which is crucial for brain development

Reduced colic and fussiness–a delighted baby is a calm baby

Elimination of over-stimulation

Comfort for your little one by mimicking the womb environment

With these benefits in mind, here are some of the certain how-to’s for safe and effective swaddling, as well as what you must look for in an optimal swaddle:

Temperature-Regulating Fabric

Fabrics that maintain too much heat will only be uneasy and potentially hazardous for baby. A baby’s body hasn’t yet developed to regulate their own temperature effectively, and their small size indicates that they can swiftly become overheated. look for a moisture-wicking fabric—as you would find in some sportswear—that will keep baby warm and dry without overheating. These fabrics pull perspiration away from the skin and through the fabric, so it can evaporate rather than remaining on the skin. This is crucial because if not wicked away, sweat that cools on the skin on amazing nights can cause baby’s body temperature to drop. and in the heat of summer, if sweat is simply trapped, baby can swiftly overheat. A good fabric will keep baby comfortable all year around. Please remember it is also crucial to confer with your pediatrician to figure out the optimal temperature for the room where your little one will be sleeping.

Flexible Fabric

While some people worry that swaddling can interfere with proper hip and joint development, what you need to look for is a swaddle with fabric that has enough give to allow the hip joints to step freely without interfering with the comfort and safety benefits of the swaddle. 

Avoid swaddles that restrict hip movement, as they can result in your baby developing hip dysplasia. Your baby needs complimentary range of motion in their hips and legs to keep their joint development on track. The swaddle needs to be tight at the torso, but not below. It can still be perfectly safe if bands are used below baby’s feet.

Don’t forget to Band

Banding the swaddle below the feet is absolutely necessary, even as your baby grows, to make sure a snug and safe fit. What you don’t want is the fabric rising during sleep, potentially covering your baby’s face and creating a suffocation risk. Banding the excess fabric below baby’s feet makes sure this won’t happen.

BONUS! Banding the bottom of the swaddle makes midnight diaper changes a breeze! No need to unswaddle and disturb baby completely (with hands flailing!). just take off the band and do a quick change, ninja style.

Swaddle Sizing

A swaddle must fit, so that your baby can have their carry above the top edge of the fabric when placed on the swaddle. This may seem a little counter-intuitive, as you might think that keeping the carry below the fabric line will keep baby a lot more snuggly wrapped. but this actually poses the risk of suffocation if the fabric ends up in your baby’s face. keeping the swaddle below the shoulders also makes sure that no constraint is put on the carry joints. 

Ideally, you’re trying to find one with a flexible fit that will grow with your baby, though remember that once your baby is rolling over from back to stomach (typically around four to five months old), it’s time to consider using a transition swaddle (with one or both arms out), or to stop swaddling altogether.

Keep It Tight

Loose swaddles can actually pose a danger in that they could come undone with baby’s movement. The result may be that the child gets tangled up in it. and according to the safe sleep Guidelines, a loosened swaddle is essentially a blanket and as a result a no-noi krybben.

Hvor stram er stram nok? Du skal stadig være i stand til at skubbe din hånd fladt mellem din babys bryst og swaddle, men ikke meget mere end det.

Der er ingen tvivl om, at Swaddling er en fantastisk måde at hjælpe din babyby med at sove let og sikkert. At finde en swaddle, der fungerer til din babys størrelse og bevægelser, er nøglen!

Relaterede teorier om følelser – hvad er de?

Om forfatteren:
Hindi Zeidman, grundlægger af Ollie Swaddle-The Smarter Swaddle ™, kender fra sin erfaring som socialarbejder med fokus på spædbørns mental sundhed, værdien af ​​at holde små i sikkerhed. Ollie Swaddles specielle design og patenteret stof hjælper babyer med at sove længere og bedre, mindsker besvær og hjælper babyens selvkalm. Ollie Swaddle’s elasticitet giver mulighed for bevægelsesfrihed, mens åbningen i bunden gør det nemt at skifte bleer. Den specialfremstillede udviklede, patenterede fugtvejrmateriale reducerer overophedning, der fremmer fysiologisk regulering. https://theollieworld.com/

Link til dette indlæg: Vælg den ideelle swaddle til din baby


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Lager din dress-up boks

Gown Up Box Staple: Fairy Wings! (parret med pyjamas)

Unge Julian er glad for perler såvel som Holden kan lide at danse rundt med tørklæder, men det tog mig et stykke tid at oprette en dress-up bin. Jeg pressede mig selv til at afsløre alt på én gang, men det var enklere at gøre lidt efter lidt med et helt gratis visir lige her såvel som en gammel flip -telefon der og tilføjede fjollede hatte såvel som utætte beskyttelsesbriller, da de kom i min besiddelse. Jeg arvet nogle virkelig vidunderlige kostumer til sidst også.

At have en skattekiste af kostume -sjov indebærer, at jeg kan glide et par ekstra minutter, der spilder tid på Facebook -quizzer.

Byg din egen kick-ass dress-up bin:

Hovedbeklædning: hatte, hjelme samt parykker

Fairy Wings

En elegant kjole

En tutu eller to

Alle briller og beskyttelsesbriller

Så adskillige perler

Et par butikskøbte kostumer er sjove i dress-up bin

Ældre børn (4-5-årige) glæde ved at lege påklædning med tøj, men små børn har typisk ikke etableret tilstrækkelig fingerfærdighed til at håndtere dette spil. Hvad de kan håndtere er perler, armbånd såvel som hatte. Hold et spejl i fuld længde tæt på, så de kan se sig selv ved hjælp af tilbehøret.

Størrelsen på din samling dikterer, om du kan hjemme den i Fjern Bins, en hængende garderobestang (alias tøjstativ på hjul) eller nogle sko, der organiserer poser. Vi mener, at det at have forsyninger synlige tilskynder til deres regelmæssige brug.

Hvis din TOT stadig er ekstremt oral/nibbly, ville det være smart at vælge perler, der har en indlejret streng (som Mardi Gras perle) snarere end spændte perler, som muligvis endte med at blive en kvælende fare, hvis strenget går i stykker.

Alle godbidder til at påvirke dress-up kreativitet

For at være helt ærlig, kunne jeg altid godt lide dress-up bin meget mere end mine små børn såvel som børnehaver gjorde. Men hver gang de kom ud af godbidderne, faldt jeg ind som konceptet igen. Ud over at ikke bekymre dig, hvis du har et par vinger såvel som mange: dress-up-produkter er uendeligt hånd-me-down-stand!

Nighttime is the ideal Time to Renew Your Skin

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9 methods to get true appeal Sleep

The high quality as well as length of sleep you get every night can have a profound effect on your skin’s general health. When we sleep our bodies recharge. Not only do our bodies recharge, our skin does as well. Dr. Kaleroy Papantoniou is a board licensed nyc dermatologist who describes that,

“ during sleep we heal, bring back as well as get rid of toxins from the skin. sleep deprivation impacts the body’s capability to bring out these important skin functions. during the very first three hours of sleep your body will begin creating the human growth hormone from the pituitary gland. As we age, this hormone is needed for the maintenance of younger as well as radiant skin. Without this hormone release, skin is not repaired from everyday damage as well as therefore induces the aging process.”

The middle two hours of sleep is when melatonin is increased. Melatonin is a hormone that is accountable for regulating your circadian rhythm (sleep/wake patterns) however likewise acts as an antioxidant that assists secure the skin from damaging complimentary radicals.

The final three hours, or during the active REM sleep stage, levels of cortisol (aka the anxiety hormone) decrease. Dr. Papantoniou describes that, “The skin’s temperature likewise drops to its lowest point enabling muscles to kick back as well as ended up being immobile, providing skin its deepest healing of the night.”

Dr. Papantoniou supplies 9 methods To get true appeal Sleep

1. Supplement Your Sleep
As we age, our bodies naturally create less melatonin, which impact our skin’s capability to repair work itself at night. If falling asleep is ending up being a lot more difficult, you may benefit from taking a melatonin supplement or utilizing a topical product with melatonin to assist battle decreased hormone levels. Melatonin works finest if taken at night about 30 minutes before going to bed. This is when it serves its purpose, as well as assists to boost the depth as well as duration of restorative sleep. Restorative sleep, in turn assists accelerate as well as enhance the skin’s repair work cycle, states Dr. Papantoniou.

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2. Cleanse Twice
Have you ever washed your makeup off before bed, yet mysteriously woken up with liner smudged under your eyes? turns out that’s normal, particularly if you utilized long-lasting makeup, which truly does online as much as its claim. Here’s why: 12 to 24-hour foundations, mascaras, eyeliners, as well as eye shadows are all made with polymers that don’t quickly dissolve with soap as well as water, or water-based makeup remover.

Dr. Papantoniou says, “To truly eliminate all traces of your makeup, take a cue from Korean skin care as well as laundry your deal with twice utilizing a technique called “double cleansing.” First, utilize an oil-based cleanser to eliminate your makeup (the oil breaks down the waxes as well as polymers method a lot more successfully than soap as well as water). You can purchase an oil based cosmetics cleaner for this or even utilize coconut oil on a Q-tip to carefully eliminate a lot more stubborn makeup. Then, utilize a gentle non-soap cleanser to rid your skin of any type of leftover residue. An example of a gentle cleanser is Vanicream’s gentle Cleanser or CeraVe Facial Cleanser”

3. Moisturize
While you sleep, your skin naturally repairs as well as restores itself, as well as cleaning it before bed maximizes this effect. Dr. Papanatoniou explains that, “During the day, your skin fights off all kind of assaults, from UV rays to pollution; at night, there’s less damage manage to do, so the appeal products that you apply may be a lot more effective. applying night creams to clean skin in the evening is the very best time to soften your face; not to mention, it can feel soothing as well as relaxing as you prep for sleep.”

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4. put on a sleep Mask
“Overnight masks are a fantastic method to treat your skin as well as provide it additional attention,” states Dr. Papantoniou. The skin undergoes a lot more cellular repair work during sleep as well as can be a lot more receptive to products at this time.” She suggests utilizing an overnight mask a few times a week in lieu of going with your normal nighttime regimen. just cleanse, slather on a layer of the mask, as well as go to sleep.

5. keep Your Hair Off Your Face
Pull your hair back into a loose ponytail or wrap it in a scarf before going to bed. This will stop the hair’s natural oils from scrubing off on your skin. This is particularly crucial if your hair is unwashed or you are prone toward acne break outs.

6. get The ideal Pillowcases
It’s worth it to invest in some soft pillowcases, since friction from harsher cotton fibers can accelerate the advancement of long-term creases. Dr. Papantoniou suggests trying a smooth silk or satin pillowcase, which avoids trauma to the skin as well as reduces the probability of your skin developing lines as well as wrinkles while you sleep. likewise keep in mind to modification as well as laundry your pillowcases at least when a week.

7. rejuvenate With a Retinoid
Choose an anti-age cream or serum that packs genuine power. These vitamin-a derivatives are crucial to youthful-looking skin. “But since exposure to sunlight can deactivate their potency, it’s finest to apply retinoids at night,” states Dr. Papantoniou. begin by utilizing an OTC retinol-containing cream or serum every other night up until skin becomes a lot more tolerant to the side effects, which are frequently dryness as well as sensitivity.

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8. apply Eye Cream
If you are having issues with eye bags as well as puffiness after you wake up, applying eye cream before sleeping will fix this. carefully apply the cream around your eyes particularly under it to replenish the skin surrounding your eyes. Make sure you stay moisturized during the day; this can assist stop water retention as well as will battle your sodium intake during the day.

9. Mind Your Sleeping Position
Train yourself not to sleep deal with down. This routine can cause premature wrinkles as well as creases. It’s much better to setting yourself appropriately while sleeping. This will likewise stop your deal with from scrubing against pillowcases as well as sheets. If you are lucky as well as can sleep on you back, that is the very best method to stop wrinkles as well as creases from sleep habits.

About Dr. Papantoniou
Dr. Kally Papantoniou is a cosmetic Dermatologist, Board licensed by the American Board of Dermatology. She focuses on Injectables, Lasers, Body Contouring, surgical as well as medical Dermatology. Dr. Papantoniou is likewise a scientific trainer at install Sinai health and wellness center in new York City. She applies professional methods as well as the newest technologies to treat her patients. Dr. Papantoniou focuses on supplying her individuals with the greatest level of care, with special interests in natural as well as healthy options to treatments as well as illness prevention. link with Dr. Papantoniou by means of twitter @DrPderm or her web site www.DrPapantoniou.com

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Sund tarm = glad liv

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Lovebug® Probiotics leverer premium, ideel tarmsundhed og velvære for hele familien

NEW YORK – Undersøgelser viser, at meget mere end 70 millioner amerikanere oplever fra fordøjelses “tarm” -problemer. En sund tarm er grundlaget for stort helbred. I sandhed lever omkring 70% af vores immunsystem i vores tarm. Nuværende livsstil, dårlige spisevaner, atmosfæren såvel som forbedret antibiotisk indtag har alle bidraget til en ekstrem ubalance i mikrobiomet, hvor “dårlige” bugs opvejer de “gode” bugs, der bevarer en sund fordøjelseskanal. Lovebug-probiotika har etableret en komplet, videnskabeligt avanceret probiotisk linje, der er målrettet mod de specialiserede behov hos spædbørn, børn, mænd såvel som kvinder.

Lovebug -historien

Lovebug blev produceret af Ashley Harris, en mor, der søgte efter den ideelle behandling af hendes lidelser efter fødslen af ​​hendes søn. Under fødslen af ​​sit barn Hudson blev Ashley sat på bredspektret antibiotika som en forebyggende foranstaltning. I løbet af de næste par måneder begyndte både Ashley såvel som Hudson at blive ekstremt syg. Ashley oplevede konstante migræne såvel som erfarne fra et svækket immunsystem. Hudson var såvel colicky som fordøjelsesproblemer. Frustreret begyndte Ashley en søgen efter at finde ud af, hvad der skete med dem både såvel som hvorfor. Den skyldige: dårlige tarmbakterier. Læger opdagede, at hendes symptomer såvel som hendes søns var forbundet med en alvorlig ubalance i deres tarmbakterier.

Læger foreslog, at de begge begyndte at tage probiotika. Ashley opdagede hurtigt en bemærkelsesværdig vending i deres generelle helbred. Fascineret såvel som dedikeret til at dele hendes for nylig opnåede stor tarmsundhed og velvære med verden, Ashley såvel som hendes husbond Ben sprang i større forskning. De samarbejdede med førende forskere til at fremstille kosttilskud med kun de allerbedste probiotiske stammer, hvilket leverede flest fejl netop, hvor de er nødvendige for at udføre deres arbejde.

Relateret homøopati fungerer til en bred vifte af sundheds- og wellness -forhold

Lovebug probiotika er født

Hvad er probiotika? Når “probiotikum” anvendes som et udtryk i naturopatisk medicin, henviser det til de mikroorganismer, der er opdaget i kosttilskud såvel som fødevarekilder, der, når de administreres i passende tal, er til gavn for dit helbred.

“Vores mikrobiome er et delikat økosystem, der har brug for en kombination af ‘god’ såvel som ‘dårlige’ bugs for at fungere normalt,” diskuterer Ashley Harris, administrerende direktør samt skaberen af ​​Lovebug. “Probiotika er” gode “bakterier, der er online naturligt i din tarm. Disse mikroorganismer, når de er korrekt afbalanceret, handler for at understøtte dit immunsystem, hjælpe med fordøjelsen, understøtter din hud, hår såvel som at holde hvad i din krop kører glat. Vi producerede lovebug for at hjælpe mennesker med at forbedre deres tarmsundhed og velvære samt generelt velvære. ”

Effektiv lovebug -probiotika for hele familien

Ashley samarbejdede med førende, internationalt anerkendte probiotiske forskere for at udvikle et stærkt fundament for Lovebugs premium -formuleringer. Lovebug Scientific Advancement Team inkluderer Ioannis misopoulous, tidligere generaldirektør for Worldwide Probiotics Association, samt Dr. Jonathan Weiss, en sundhedspersonale med grader fra Oxford University, Stanford University samt University of Chicago.

Hvad gør lovebug meget mere effektiv end resten?

15x meget mere effektiv end andre kosttilskud. Lovebug Probiotics supplerer Function Bio-Pract®, en patenteret forsendelsesinnovation, der er videnskabeligt etableret for at få mikroorganismerne forbi mavesyrebarrieren såvel som til deres endelige destination i din fordøjelseskanal, hvor de udfører deres sundhedsudstillingsarbejde.

Overlegne stammer Mens adskillige probiotiske kosttilskud består af en stamme, inkluderer hver af vores probiotika en specialiseret, maksimeret blanding af stammer, der er udviklet til at tilbyde ideelle sundheds- og wellness -fordele, hvor hver daglig dosis giver milliarder af gode bugs i dit fordøjelsessystem.

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Om lovebug probiotika

Lovebug -probiotika leverer en bred vifte af specialiserede kosttilskud til at hjælpe med at udføre ideel tarmsundhed. Med patenteret Bio-Pract®-teknologi, lovebug probiotikaTilbudstyret frigivelse af aktive komponenter for at garantere de store bakterier gør det gennem fordøjelsesprocessen, hvilket gør deres probiotiske formel 15x meget mere effektiv end basale kapsler, tyggestilling såvel som pulvere.*

*Disse udsagn er ikke vurderet af fødevarer såvel som medicinadministration. Dette produkt er ikke beregnet til at diagnosticere, behandle, helbrede eller undgå nogen form for sygdom.

Bio-Pract® er et registreret varemærke til Nutraceutix. Patenteret Bio-Pact® forsendelsesinnovation leverer konsekvent så adskillige som 15 gange, eller mere, antallet af levende, levedygtige probiotiske organismer, der er forbi simulerede maven end (almindelige/standard) kapsler som konsekvent demonstreret med in vitro lab-test.

Besøg: www.lovebugprobiotics.com for at opdage meget mere om lovebug -probiotika

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Sjov med skum, del 1

for våd til at gå ud? For køligt til at spille bold? (Åh, er det bare mig såvel som min sommer i bugten? Ha!) For syg til børnehave? Dette er den øverste i apotek DIY; Med en dåse barbercreme eller en sæbestang er her masser af god sjov, der er sjovt:

Mikrobølgeovfilben. Tag et signal fra vores kammerat Wendy såvel som at sætte en kvart bar med elfenben sæbe i mikrobølgeovnen i 90 sekunder. OOZE. Squish. Fantastisk. Fantastisk for børnehaver gennem voksne. Selvom det er ekstremt cool, advarer Wendy: “Vær advaret – det tager kun ca. 5 minutter, så planlæg ikke din dag omkring det eller noget.” Gør det selv, eller klik på billedet for at se de fantastiske resultater.

Squishy sjov. For småbørn, der ikke kan forstå forbløffelse af mikrobølgevidenskab, spray en dukke af barbercreme i en skål samt lade dem vælge den. Sensorisk nirvana. Detaljer såvel som meget flere billeder på Champuru.net.

Julemanden. Sæsonbestemt sjov for alle aldre. Bukser på et barbercreme skæg samt tage billeder. Kan dette være dit meget smarte feriekort?

Jeg deler et par skummende kunstprojekter på to uger, i mellemtiden, hvilken ren sjov kan du komme ind i barbercreme eller sæbe?

[Fotos af Wendolonia, Champuru samt Portraitsimple]