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I was driving with my 92 year old mom house the other night when an incredible statement came out of her mouth. Out of the blue she made a extremely profound comment that truly struck me as important, perhaps even life altering for me. In one sentence, she summed up her view of her life as well as gave me a peek of exactly how she sees the world. Suddenly I realized exactly how she has remained so durable with the ups as well as downs of her long life. So, in this year’s holiday message, I believed I would share a bit bit of granny Betty Smolen’s wisdom with the hope that if you spend a long time instilling her mindset in your children, they will have lives that are happier as well as potentially make them more durable to the inevitable ups as well as downs they will experience in their lives. I hope you will believe it is as important as I do. With that said, let’s get into holiday message 2016.
Musical Introduction
A sense of Gratitude
What is it that granny Betty revealed, late at night driving home, that struck me as so profound? We were speaking about household get togethers as well as an upcoming household holiday reunion when she came out with the this gem, “Paul, you understand there are not sufficient hours in the day for me to provide thanks for all the blessing I have!” Wow. Think about what that statement involves. First, it is a extremely humble view of oneself recognizing that much of what we get in life has nothing to finish with us, however is just a product of great fortune. Secondly, it embodies a sense of gratitude for daily regular things since my mom has never been famous or well understood in any type of way. She has never won the lottery or accomplished extraordinary notoriety or wealth- no she has been a mom who had four children, all of who arrived at their feet as adults. as well as thirdly, she perceives these mundane daily great fortunes as so fantastic that she can’t be thankful enough; there are just not sufficient hours in the day to state thanks. She is overwhelmed with gratitude. Grandma Betty seems to embody the true spirit of what it means to be humble as well as grateful. What my mom doesn’t acknowledge is that her great fortunes are just a return of the kindness she showed others during her life.
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The Ups as well as Downs of Life
Let me tell a bit about my mom to put all this in context. She was born in 1924, just after the tragedy of WWI as well as right before the fantastic depression. Her only sibling died suddenly of scarlet fever when my mom was three years old. Her parents never had a house or went to college. She married at nineteen as well as her new hubby instantly enlisted in the marines as well as went off to war to fight in WWII. Fortunate for me, he survived combat. After the war came her four children, a failed business, serious household health and wellness problems, as well as many years of economic insecurity. stability lastly came during middle age years up until her hubby died of cancer. She ended up being a widower at sixty. with it all, my mom remained optimistic as well as positive, constantly volunteering to assist others most of her adult life, discovering fulfillment while living a simple life. I’m persuaded that her optimistic mindset about the future as well as and her sense of gratitude for whatever good, sustained her happiness throughout her now 92 years. rather than dwelling on her many misfortunes, my mom feels that there aren’t sufficient hours in the day to reveal her gratitude for her blessings. Fantastiske.
Your youngsters requirement a sense of Gratitude
So, right here is my holiday desire for you as well as your children; this holiday season, take a few minutes to stop as well as motivate your kids to be grateful for family, great health, friendships, academic opportunities, the successes of those around them, as well as really, any type of great ton of money that they experience. I believe you will discover that by doing so throughout their childhood, it will point their life compasses in the right direction as well as make them much more durable when misfortune does come their way.
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Tak, fordi du kom med mig til denne specielle udgave af Portable Practical Pediatrics. Jeg kan godt lide at lave en feriebesked. Jeg vil gerne høre dig chime ind med dine tanker såvel som anbefalinger om nøjagtigt, hvordan du forbedrer dine børns liv. Blogs handler om samtale såvel som at dele, så tag et øjeblik for at lade andre forstå, hvad du tænker. Du kan gøre dette på iTunes som en evaluering eller på min blog på Dette er Dr. Paul Smolen i håb om, at du kan lære din yngle, lidt om taknemmelighed. indtil næste gang.
Link til dette indlæg: Undervisning af børn taknemmelighed (pedcast)
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