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Alle af os på det sunde Mommies -magasin ønsker dig en meget glad og velsignet nytår 2018. Må du have et godt helbred, lykke og velstand for det nye år.

Godt nytår 2018

Link til dette indlæg: godt nytår


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Byg fantasifigurer med dine børn

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https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.jsby Danielle Webb

Elektronik kan synes at overtage vores børns liv nogle gange.

Selv et spædbarn kan forstå et par af de grundlæggende kontroller af en smartphone såvel som børn så små som to bruger dem til at spille spil.

Denne interaktion med innovation er ikke nødvendigvis en dårlig ting, at være i stand til at holde så meget som dato med softwareapplikation vil ikke være vigtig, da de vokser såvel som at få job, men det burde ikke tage præsident for at lade dem producere med deres hænder Eller brug deres kreativitet med spil.

Børns tøjsælger Polarn O. Pyret delte for nylig nogle PDF’er med enkle, udgiftseffektive metoder til at motivere denne type fantasifulde såvel som taktile spil.

Der er en lige her på at bygge dine egne stylter, men en mere fantastisk alternativ til at engagere deres innovative side kan ligeledes være for dem at gøre deres ekstremt egne fantasifigurer – du vil blive forbløffet over det, de kommer frem til! Hvis dit barn er lidt ældre motiverer dem til at tegne deres egen karakter eller dyr, skal du shoppe dit hus, garage eller genvindingsbakke til komponenterne.

Hvis dit barn endnu ikke er gammelt tilstrækkeligt til at lave en tegning, skal du tilbyde et valg af materialer samt se, hvad du kan lave med dem. Produkter såsom materiale -rester, flasker samt låg, kasser, trærester samt krukke låg er ideelle til dette.

Den fineste del af at få dine børn til at få deres egne karakterer er at se deres selvtillid såvel som kreativitet blomstre. De er i stand til at tro logisk nøjagtigt, hvordan forskellige objekter kan interagere, nøjagtigt, hvordan de kan overholde to produkter såvel som program, de stolt kan screene såvel som at tale om, hvad de lavede, når folk kommer på besøg!

Så ikke kun en fantastisk metode til at motivere innovativt spil, men en ideel metode til at gøre noget med at rydde ud i dit eget hjem! Faktisk kan du shoppe dine resterende bits samt producere en kasse til dem at lave deres egne ting over såvel som igen; Jo meget mere du tilføjer det, de meget mere de kan opdage såvel som at skabe.

Danielle Webb er en hektisk blogger, innovativ såvel som mor til en, der rutinemæssigt deler sine eventyr såvel som forslag i håb om, at hun vil påvirke således at guide forældre, som mange har gjort før hende.

Link til dette indlæg: Byg fantasyfigurer med dine børn
Relateret håndtering af stress og angst såvel som andre problemer med sundheds- og wellness-problemer


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Book Review: Raspberry Sassafras I Am a Cow

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Book Style: Storybook for kids

Reading Level: 2 (Reading With assist because of mid-range length as well as some tough vocabulary)

Reading Length: 12-15 minutes (FYI – we never account for young child questions)

Illustration: Cute as a button, basic as a…something

Age Target: 2-8 Years of Age

Author: Allison Holland

Author’s Page: Allison Holland

Book purchase Page: Lulu – $15.72 USD today, $18.49 USD routine price

Social Media Links: N/A


Raspberry Sassafras: I Am A Cow is the second installment in the great Raspberry Sassafras series of books by Allison Holland.  This is one more children‘s book that complies with the life of Jane as well as Raspberry Sassafras.  In situation you missed our evaluation of the very first Raspberry Sassafras book, right here it is.

In I Am a Cow, Raspberry as well as Jane’s life in the huge city continues. Raspberry clearly gets to eat lawn around the city, as well as she as well as Jane likewise fly over the place. If you don’t keep in mind the last book, that’s going to noise a bit weird. just to catch you up, all cows can fly in this series–therefore, Raspberry can fly. Forstået?

One fateful day, Raspberry as well as Jane find a pet dog park, in which both of them want to go as well as play.  Sadly, the dogs all neglect Raspberry just since she’s a cow.  It’s dogism at its worst, people!  Jane as well as Raspberry go away unfortunate as well as upset, however they soon return when Raspberry provides the speech of her (and rather frankly a lot of us Presidents’) life.  The amazing speech teaches every pet dog as well as person listening that being different isn’t a poor thing, as well as the dogs in turn accept Raspberry as their friend.  ideally you’ve tuned into the fantastic message this book delivers.

Related  ideas for Preparing a healthy Valentine’s Day meal with Family

Racism is a quite huge topic in the world today, as well as this kid’s book clearly touches on the message that people shouldn’t location unfavorable focus on differences.  I like the truth that Allison (our author) has made sure that this style is front as well as center, as well as I believe it’s so exceptionally crucial in our world today.

I pointed out it before, however honestly the speech that Raspberry provides to the dogs (and their owners for that matter) is nothing short of amazing. I pledge you that, as a parent, you’ll be chuckling your proverbial behind off.  I desire I had written it myself (to be honest), as it’s nothing short of comedic genius.  It touches on whatever from fur, frolicking, wagging, poop, tickling, as well as crying–all in about 3 sentences.

I keep in mind this happening to me once…


The illustrations comply with the exact same path as the very first book in the series, as well as so my comments truly haven’t changed.  What I did discover is that our author has improved on her illustrations in this second book.

While the illustrations are still extremely basic as well as extremely cute, they are full of fantastic colors, as well as there is a remove development of the characters.  The dogs are particularly well drawn, as well as I discover myself reminiscing about Clifford The huge Red pet dog as I look at them.  Their faces are truly expressive as well as tell us all about the dogs as well as their characters.  Have a look below at the photo as well as focus on the top two dogs.  Yes, they’re basic as well as cute, however they likewise have a character different than just “dog”.

Looks like my last party. (note: no people)

The Verdict

It’s quite remove that I like the Raspberry Sassafras series; this second book is no different.  It’s a fantastic bit experience book with a great moral lesson.  The characters are all much improved as well as the illustrations are as adorable as ever.  For $15.72 USD (sale price), this is a take of a offer that you must go as well as pick up ideal now!

Related  5 Resolutions mommies must Not Make in 2020

Keep reading with your children!

Link to this post:Book Review: Raspberry Sassafras I Am a Cow


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Pas på dig selv såvel som jorden med alle naturlige produkter fra Eco Store

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For nylig havde jeg chancen for at prøve den naturligt antibakterielle sprayrenser såvel som Lemon Cream Cleanser fra Eco -butikken. Eco Store fremstiller en række forskellige produkter fra badeprodukter, hjemmerensere såvel som spædbørnsplejeprodukter.

Alle deres produkter er lavet af naturlige ingreadients såvel som ikke består af “Nasty Chemicals ™” ifølge deres websted,

”Af program ECOSTORE -produkter består af kemikalier – udover endda vand er et kemikalie. Vi gør bare hvad vi kan for at slippe af med de grimme. Her er en liste over et par af de kemikalier, vi forhindrer, såvel som hvorfor.

Ingen giftige petrokemikalier

*Overeksponering af petrokemikalier kan bidrage til sundheds- og wellness -problemer som hudirritationer, eksem, allergier, svækket immunsystem (børn med etablering af immunsystemer kan være endnu mere modtagelige), kronisk træthed, endokrine systemforsyninger såvel som endda kræft*Mange Petrokemikalier vedvarer i atmosfæren såvel som ikke bionedbryder*petrokemikalier er en uholdbar, ikke vedvarende ressource

Ingen enzymer

*Syntetiske enzymer anvendes ofte i vaskeri.*De er effektive til at nedbryde proteiner såvel som fedtpladser på tøj.*Brug af enzymer indikerer, at du kan vaske i køligt vand, såvel som du ikke kræver som masser af ekstreme kemikalier. *Vi mener, at ulempen ved at anvende syntetiske enzymer i vaskeri er meget mere betydningsfulde.*Hvis resterende enzymer er fanget i dit tøj/ark/undertøj, er de op mod din huddag såvel som nat.*De kan genaktiveres af sved Ud over vådhed – såvel som at begynde at udføre den opgave, de blev skabt til – at fjerne fedt/protein – på din hud såvel som potentielt udløse allergiske reaktioner eller andre sundheds- og wellness -komplikationer.

Ingen optiske hvide

13 De kan forårsage en allergisk reaktion med din hud, når de udsættes for sollys.*De er heller ikke let biologisk nedbrydning såvel som er giftige for akvatiske liv.

Ingen syntetiske parfume eller farvestoffer

*Farvestoffer bruges normalt til at få et produkt til at se meget mere tiltalende ud.*Parfume tilføjes for at skjule lugt såvel som for at give en behagelig duft.*I 99% af forekomsterne er farverne såvel som parfumer ikke funktionelle.*Vi don bruger ikke disse komponenter, da de er en typisk aktivering for dem, der er kemisk følsomme.*De er næsten altid lavet af olie.*De er ikke let bionedbrydelser såvel som er giftige for fisk såvel som pattedyr.*Vi bruger komponenter som Citron Verbena i vores fløde rengøringsmiddel eller licenseret organisk eukalyptusolie i vores vaskeri såvel som uldvaskeri – da det ikke kun giver en frisk ren lugt til dit tøj, er det ligeledes en aktiv ingrediens.

Ingen natriumlaurylsulfat

*SLS er et overfladeaktivt middel, der ofte bruges til rengøringsmidler såvel som kropsplejeprodukter, herunder tandpasta, shampoo, streaming af sæber såvel som brusegeler samt opvaskevæske.*Den giver skummet skum; Det er ligeledes et stærkt vaskemiddel at eliminere tilsmudsning. Det striber olier såvel som fedt effektivt.*Vi bruger ikke denne komponent i vores produkter, da vi mener, at hvis SLS absorberes med huden, kan penetration omfatte systemiske væv som hjernen, hjertet, milt såvel som lever.* SLS i dine hårprodukter øger muligvis hastigheden af ​​hudabsorption af andre kemikalier, der bruges – som vaskemidler, konserveringsmidler, dufte såvel som farveverditiver

Ingen fosfater*

*Disse stimulerer ekstrem vækst af planter såvel som alger i vores vandveje*fosfater kan udvikle sig såvel som at bringe akvatisk liv i fare

*Analytisk analyse kan ofte udsætte små spor af fosfater i et par af vores produkter. Vi tilføjer aldrig fosfater, men et par af de råvarer, der bruges i produktionen, kan bestå af ekstremt lave niveauer af fosfater. I behandlingen af ​​specifikke råvarer fra vores leverandører bruges fosfater til at hjælpe produktionen, dvs. blødgør vand. Desværre er noget fosfat derefter kemisk bundet ind i det endelige produkt, der derefter leveres til vores fabrik som råmateriale. FEller eksempel, når vi bruger vores vaskeripulver, kan der være en Tracel -mængde fosfat, der er til stede under vaskeri -cyklus. Dette ville ikke være meget mere end omkring 0,1 gram, hvilket er væsentligt lavere end masser af førende supermarkedsmærker. Selv selvom vi har ekstremt lave niveauer af detekterbart fosfat, undersøger vi altid valg af komponent med målet om at slippe af med fosfatindholdet. ”

Som mange mødre vil jeg kun have det bedste for mine børn. Masser af kemikalier, der er leveret ovenfor, kan forårsage problemer med sundhed og wellness, herunder hudirritationer såvel som eksem.

Relaterede medicinske egenskaber ved eukalyptusblade

Nogle gange fungerer hjemmeprodukter, der bruger alle naturlige komponenter, ikke meget godt, som har brug for en hel del albuefedt. Eco Store -produkter fungerer lige ud over de fremtrædende navnebrærere, som du opdager i stormagasinhylder. Jeg var ikke nødt til at bruge en grov såvel som ridset svamp i køb for at få skrubene ud af mit køkkenområde. Efter at have brugt sprayrenseren blev mine børns frokost rod såvel som fingeraftryk fjernet ubesværet. Det efterlod ligeledes en behagelig dog ikke overmægtig lugt.

Sunde mødre står ved Eco Store -produkterne såvel som antyder, at alle husholdninger giver dem et forsøg. De er risikofri for din husstand såvel som miljøvenlige.

Du kan gå ind for at vinde et gavekort på $ 25 til Eco -butikken ved at efterlade os en kommentar. Alle indgange er nødvendige for at gøre disse to ting først:

1. Tilmeld dig No No Nasty Chemicals Newsletter, der blev opdaget på Eco -butikens blog.2. Overhold den øko -butik på Twitter eller endte med at være Facebook -fan

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Relateret meningitis – Triggere såvel som symptomer

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For hver post, der inkluderer yderligere indgange, bedes du efterlade en separat kommentar. Vindere vælges tilfældigt fra kommentarerne såvel som E -mails, som jeg modtager. Konkurrencen slutter den 14. februar ved midnat PST.

Cascia Talbert is a hectic blogger, publisher, freelance writer, on the internet vendor as well as mom of five children, living in The Pacific Northwest. Med en B.A. I historie såvel som lovgivning såvel som en entusiasme for at komponere såvel som at være sund, startede hun det sunde mødre -magasin i 2007. Det sunde Mommies -magasin er i øjeblikket placeret den øverste sundheds- og wellness -blog for mommies samt har et antal health and wellness professional writers as well as mommy bloggers. Ms. Talbert believes that if moms are well informed on health and wellness problems as well as exactly how to stay healthy, they can pass that info down to their kids as well as reverse the youth obesity stats in the U.S.

Ms. Talbert is a featured health and wellness blog writer at Wellsphere.com as well as her articles can likewise be discovered on ezinearticles.com. She likewise runs the healthy mommies social media network on Ning, is the chief advertising policeman for Talbert Nutrition LLC,  as well as is on the social network Advisory Board for America’s wellness Challenge. comply with her on Google+.

Link to this post:Take care of yourself as well as the earth with All natural products from Eco Store


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Ice cream – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

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When you have had a bad day and it is hot and sticky outside, ice cream makes you feel so much better.

Grab our new Button!

Wordless Wednesday Linky - healthy mommies Magazine

This is our Wordless Wednesday post for the week. visit these great blogs for a lot more Wordless Wednesdays.

Rules of this #BlogHop

Leave me a comment so I can visit your blog.

Visit the other blogs linking up.

Link up to your Wordless Wednesday Post

1. healthy mommies Mag with Linky

2. Talbert Zoo w/ Linky

3. Impulsive Art. how to Paint: Cornfield Impression

4. bethere2day LINKFEST

5. walk Along the Orchard road Singapore – linky

6. toys & books (linky)

7. create WITH happiness – link UP!

8. Oh My Heartsie girls weekly Linky Party

9. Adventures in Weseland: just Walkin

10. LC: Tiny’Dino Train’..Dino Mała ‘Dinopociąg’

11. Lalka Crochetka: Anna folk Doll…Ania Łowiczanka

12. That Time God Asked Me To | blogger loves The King

13. 1camera1mom: The Hex River Valley

14. Amanda’s books and a lot more ~ LINKY

15. Clairejustine Linky

16. Where the Wild things Were: Stairway to Paradise

17. An Apel a Day

18. image-in-ing: weekly

19. Wordless Disney Fun, part 2 w/ videos & Linky!

20. NanaHood is having a Birthday! – linky

21. catch My Words: #WW No Words Needed

22. Islands of Cats

23. Dominique’s desk w linky

24. A kid and his dogs ..

25. how The talking car saved Him | big sister Blogs

26. reaction – Glimmer of Hope

27. JOY~

28. (Almost) Wordless Wednesday – a walk in the park

29. just playing house – caption This w/Linky

30. how To Make charming Cupcakes That look like Huski

31. WW: Red Train at Honesdale, Pennsylvania

32. 10 healthy pregnancy quick tips

33. stop! Are you leaving your child in your car?

34. Over The Moon!!!!

35. southern Seazons: how a little paint can make a bi

36. Impulsive Artistry: Pet photo contest Info

37. Talbert Zoo w/ Linky

38. Football – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tue

39. five Birthdays – linky40. Bethere2ay Linkfest

41. Åh mine Heartsie Girls Weekly Linky Party

42. Hvor de vilde ting var: skulptur i Barangaroo

43. Amandas bøger og meget mere ~ Linky

44. New Zealand Sunset

45. Mystic Aquarium Pictorial W/Linky!

46. ​​En Apel om dagen

47. Ordløs onsdag marcherende band Camp År #3 #ww

48. Image-in-ing: ugentligt

49. Bare spiller hus – billedtekst denne m/linky

50. Raising My Boys: WW – Passion Flower m/Linky

51. Shiju Sugunan

52. Fang mine ord: #ww throwback

53. Lalka Crochetka: Bryllupsdukker … Lalki Ślubne

54. Tots og mig m/linky

55. 10 grunde til, at mødre skal køre | Mors hjemmekørsel

56. Afkøling: Så det er sådan, man gør det! | MOMFEVER

57. Glimmer of Hope m/ linky

58. Bedste af Long Island og Central Florida: WW

59. Kører efter guldet, vores husly | Blogger elsker

60. Parent Club W Linky – Spanien – Parent Club


Samlingen er lukket. Fortæl andre mennesker om det gennem Twitter.

Tjek disse gode blogs, der deltager i ordløs onsdag hver uge.
RCH anmeldelser
Crafty Allie Blog
Kitty Partay
Agent Mystery Case-hvor er jeg onsdag
En velsmagende fest
Rejser katte
Homoseksuel ny far ordløse onsdag videoer
-Stephs Happiness WW
Joyce Lanksy WW
Dominques skrivebord WW
Crafty krydderier
Vær der 2 dage
Simple Life Mommy Blog Hop
Fjollet baby blog ww
En stjerne i mit eget univers
Amandas bøger og mere
Claire Justine- The Wednesday Bloghop
Taylor Joelle WW
Mary Denman WW
Tots og mig
Talbert Zoo
Min lille trommeslager børn ww
Butchers niche ww
Et kig ind i mit paradis
Helt fremragende tirsdag -linkup
Mine pinterventures glædelig mandag linkup
En Apel om dagen
Ordløs onsdag
Vores verden tirsdag
Eventyr i Weseland
Bare at spille hus
Keiths ramblings
Parent Club
If I forgot your blog let me know in a comment and I will add you next week!

Have added your blog to our complimentary blog directory yet? Click here for your listing.

Link to this post:Ice cream – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday
Related  Is Rage a healthy Emotion?


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visiting daddy at work | photo by Nissa, BABYLOVE

Today’s challenge for moms on maternity leave? Bring your adorable baby to visit your partner at work.

When your partner works on the other side of a toll bridge from your home, visiting him at work costs a minimum of $5.00. but still, it’s an adventure worth doing. stop in for lunch and wave at the grown-ups doing their thing.

When your partner works on the other side of a toll bridge from your home, visiting him at work costs a minimum of $5.00. but still, it’s an adventure worth doing. stop in for lunch and wave at the grown-ups doing their thing.

I think it’s feasible for most professions, but feel free to let me know if you are someone for whom this suggestion is ridiculous. If your partner works at home or does not work… go visit a friend or your old co-workers.)

If your partner works at home or does not work… go visit a friend or your old co-workers.

I assumed I would do this all the time while I was on maternity leave, but it only happened once. (See cost of driving above.) Therefore, I now see it as a major outing. I suppose it depends entirely on the commute.

This is your eleventh challenge in our series of weekly activities for moms.

The day I drove over the bridge and went to meet up with Ryan, he was more interested in getting out of the office to see us than in having us come in to show off the baby. fint med mig. I didn’t need all those germy people putting their hands on my baby. We had lunch together outside and Julian slept through the entire thing. He had no knowledge of his extra time with dad that day, but hey, I got to use a restroom all by myself. What a special event!

Did you complete this challenge? love it or hate it, tell us how it went:

Comment below and spill the details.

Share a picture with us on Facebook.

Share a photo of your destination on Twitter or Instagram and use hashtag #rookiemoms.

Or, link in the comments to your own blog post about this challenge.

Some of our community of rookie moms did this challenge, check it out!

Baby’s day out at Mike’s high-security office >
Baby Garrity visits me at work and I love it >
Visiting Aunt Leslie at work >
Brooks wore a full suit to Dad’s office >

Talking to Your children about Texting and Driving and Drinking and Driving

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As an individual enters their teens, they reach a point where they’re in charge of a whole new set of responsibilities. among those lots of exciting jobs, none is quite as crucial as getting behind the wheel of a automobile and learning how to drive for the very first time. Seeing your child at the helm of the wheel has caused parents a lot of anxiety. Although alcohol and driving has long been a hazard for teens, texting and distracted driving is ranking just as high. The following are ways to speak to your children about the lots of dangers.

Set policies and Guidelines

As a parent, you worry about your children, and their safety. From riding a tricycle to navigating their bikes, it seems the worries are endless. but what about when your teen is old enough to drive? automobile crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in America. Whether it’s due to drinking and driving or texting and distracted driving, there are ways that you can help your child eliminate the lots of hazards. You can start by setting policies and guidelines for when they are old enough to drive. before you hand your child the keys to your car, go over limits. These can include how lots of people they are allowed to have in the automobile at one time, no alcohol consumption and putting their phone away until they’ve reached their destination. Your state may also have set policies and restrictions, so you want to check the mandatory laws.

Discuss the Consequences

There are a number of consequences that can result from your teen drinking and driving or texting and driving. These can include hit and run, DUI, DUI with drugs and more. In an instant, your child’s life could be altered forever because of their actions. When your teen is ready to drive, it’s crucial to go over the consequences if they must ever disobey the laws. They could be facing fines, suspended license and an increase in insurance rates. They could also face severe repercussions that include jail, and the loss of their license. This could spoil their chances of getting into college and hinder their future employment opportunities. According to, Monderlaw.com “For purposes of a DUI, driving is “volitional movement of a vehicle.” This simply means: to cause motion, steer, or control a automobile while it is in motion. Therefore, mere control of a automobile is insufficient to establish “driving.”

This means, being intoxicated with your automobile simply turned on, could result in a DUI.

Related  four crucial ideas for Parenting a Toddler

Keep the Lines of communication Open

The teenage years are typically filled with new responsibilities, raging hormones and raw emotions. You can help your teen through this ever changing time by keeping the lines of communication open. This indicates being frank about your expectations when they are old enough to drive. If they encounter a tough situation where they’ve been drinking at a party, you want them to feel comfortable enough to call you before they get behind the wheel of the car. They must also report suspicious behavior to you if they are a passenger in a automobile being driven by their friend.

Have a punishment Ready

When your child is old enough to drive, it’s crucial to relay that this ideal is a privilege that must never be taken lightly. When they man the steering wheel, the road must be their focus. Taking their eyes off the road for a split second to read or write a text can spoil the rest of their lives. If your teen disobeys the policies that you’ve set for them by drinking or texting, have a punishment ready and stick to it. Whether they lose their driving privileges or they are grounded for a set period of time, make sure the punishment has an impact on them. If you still haven’t gotten your point across to your teen, you can have your teen volunteer for an organization such as mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD).

Link to this post:Talking to Your children about Texting and Driving and Drinking and Driving

Related  Potty training – Tips, and Advice


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Why We use Nofollow on All Outgoing links

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https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.jsThe healthy moms magazine strives to provide quality content for its readers.  In order to maintain our reputation as The number one health blog for moms we have adopted a “nofollow” policy for all back links within our site.

Why do we use nofollow tags?

Google’s co-founder Larry page invented the page rank system that they use today.  Page rank  is how Google places websites in their search engine.  They view links to other websites as votes on the quality content of the site. Pages with higher votes of confidence get a higher page rank, also called “google juice.”

When we link to another website using a dofollow tag we are transferring “google juice” to that site by directing Google to crawl the link.  The healthy moms magazine publishes content from several bloggers and health experts, therefore linking to hundreds of other websites.  If we use “dofollow” on the outgoing links Google will determine that we are passing page rank and accuse our site of Spam.  This will cause The number one health blog for moms to be penalized and possibly removed from Google’s Database.

In order to prevent the above from happening on April 11, 2013 all outgoing links have the “nofollow” attribute.  Starting on may 1, 2013 The healthy moms magazine will be changing it’s advertising and pr policy so that we can reach more us households with our message and improve our authority in Google and other search engines.

Below are a few of the new changes that will go into effect on may 1.

Related  What is Pancreatitis?

We will no longer publish guest posts of any kind.

The healthy moms magazine will not accept any new contributor applications.

We will not have any outgoing links on our front page. (banner advertising is an exception)

Product reviews, giveaways, and book reviews will be scaled back. We will only feature companies, books and organizations who have made a difference in childhood obesity prevention, or we believe will help educate families, moms and young children on how to live a healthier lifestyle and grow in Christian Faith.  All links to these companies and organizations will be “nofollow.”

This website will focus on quality content and educating American families on how to live a healthier lifestyle in order to prevent childhood obesity.

We will still cover original content on the following topics:



Health News

Health Opinions

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Healthy Recipes

Fitness for moms and Families


Frugal Living

Blogging tips

Our advertising and pr policies will adapt to reflect the above changes.

This website is designed for educational purposes only.

If you have any questions regarding our new policies please contact our founder, Cascia Talbert at talbert cascia at yahoo dot com.

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Forfatter Jacalyn Burke En samtale

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Jacalyn Burke immigrerede til NYC fra London, England for at følge en drøm, som de fleste amerikanske immigranter gør. Hendes drøm om at blive en offentliggjort forfatter blev så meget mere, da hun blev forelsket i børnepasning og lærte at kende børn og familier i New York City.

”Jeg faldt i børnepasning som en kald, som nogle mennesker forelsker sig på. Vi mødte (mig selv og familierne) gennem venner, vi følte begge en forbindelse, og inden jeg vidste det – arbejdede jeg som en barnepige i Manhattan. Jeg var faldet i børnepasning, og mens jeg kæmpede med den lave sociale agtelse (karakteristisk for ”service” -beskæftigelse), var lønningerne og timerne – jeg elskede muligheden for at pleje og være vidne til udfoldelsen af ​​nye mennesker. Mine børn var alle dyrebare for mig, og det var mine barnepige. Overtid voksede jeg venskaber med forældre. Og inden jeg vidste det, havde jeg tilbragt et årti af mit liv i en verden af ​​børnepasning, sagde Jacalyn.

Denne oplevelse ville påvirke hende dybt. Jacalyn lærte, at der i privat pleje er der problemer og forhold og adfærd, der påvirker vores børn på daglig basis. I 2007 dannede hun et firma kaldet Baby Does NYC med det formål at skabe en række spædbarnstøj. Virksomheden blev imidlertid omdannet til et informationsnav for nye forældre.

Mens Jacalyn byggede sin forretning, fortsatte hun med at arbejde som barnepige. Hun begyndte endda at blogge og skrev en bog.

”Min kærlighed til børn og for de hårdtarbejdende forældre og barnepiger overalt tvang mig til at tackle det, jeg og mange andre betegner som en” børnepasningskrise ”. Min drøm er blevet opfyldt, og jeg blev endda vist i The New York Times i år – noget ufatteligt for den unge pige fra London. Mit håb er, at vores prioriteringer som samfund vil skifte mod mere familievenlige politikker med en ny præsident. Under alle omstændigheder er det min mission at fortsætte med at støtte forældre og husarbejdere – og på en måde er det passende, at min første bog handler om dette emne, ”forklarede Jacalyn.

Relateret, hvordan du forbereder dit lille barn til deres første tandlægebesøg

Besøg jacalynsburke.com for mere information om Jacalyn. Du kan også finde hende på Facebook, Twitter og Instagram.

Hendes bog, Nanny Time Bomb: Navigering af krisen i børnepasning kan købes på Amazon.com.

Har du en historie at fortælle? Vi vil have dig! Tjek, at du er vist for mere information.

Link til dette indlæg: Forfatter Jacalyn Burke Et interview


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Experiencing God . . . once again

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Just when I believe I understand much of what I requirement to know, I discover out I still have more to discover . . . or re-learn.

Some women as well as I are satisfying every two weeks to research study a book called Experiencing God.

Most of us have already checked out the workbook as well as filled in the blanks.  So, I didn’t truly believe that only on Day 5 I would have already had some profound moments.  however I understand that even when I checked out the Holy bible once, I can checked out it once again as well as discover something new.

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will achieve what I desire
and accomplish the function for which I sent it.

(Isaiah 55:11)

Sometimes I believe that I am just a mom. I discover I somewhat define myself by my blogging. In the summer, I am a gardener. as well as if I truly want to thrill someone, I ended up being a seamstress. (Basically, I understand exactly how to sew a directly stitch to make a infant sling.)  So exactly how might a mom of three children, with one on the way, a homeowner, as well as the teacher of my kids ever do much of hvad som helst? (Besides laundry, dishes, as well as catching up on sleep?)

Where is the time? I feel like one of many ants in a colony . . . working together with a lot of other ants doing the exact same thing.

I’m not like my buddy who just got back from doing physical therapy work in Haiti for the injured as well as needy.  Though, I did put a Band-Aid on somebody last week.  I don’t have a voice like Bono to get up the world to the issues dealing with the human race.  I do compose letters to our empathy kids on occassion.

Related  7 tips for moms to reduce stress during the holiday Season

Consider this quote, as I myself did this morning,

When you believe nothing considerable can occur with you, you have stated more about your belief in God than you have declared about yourself.  You have stated that God is incapable of doing anything considerable with you.  The reality is, He is able to do anything He pleases with one regular person who is completely consecrated* to Him.

*to be dedicated particularly to a purpose

Det er mig! I am one regular person. however I can do something. as well as in reality, I understand that I am doing something. I am increasing three extremely special young men. sometimes it can be simple to lose sight of exactly how valuable a task this is. Additionally, I am providing support to my hubby to enable him to achieve the function that God has him in right now.

The only method to keep this in point of view is to spend that time everyday with God.

And I may find that I, too, can be extra-ordinary.

The people you generally see in the Scriptures were ordinary.  Their connections with God as well as the activity of God made them extraordinary.

So if it seems like not much is happening around you. Or it seems like God is silent. Or you feel like the walls are caving in . . . understand that God is always at work around you. You may not sense it, however He is pursing a connection with you that is genuine as well as personal. He will speak to you with the Bible, prayers, circumstances, as well as church. såvel som . . . godt . . . I’ll be honest, speaking with Him as well as being included in a connection with Him . . . can need a few adjustments. however the more you come to understand God by experience, as well as obey Him (which really is thrilling), you will discover Him doing fantastic things with as well as with you!

Related  6 methods Gratitude modifications A Mom’s Life

Stop by as well as go to me sometime over at Granola mom 4 God!

Technorati Tags: Experiencing God,Christianity,God,religion

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